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Analog Kid
Posted: Sun, Sep 05 2010, 16:22 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The library at the Academy was quiet. It usually was. Thats why Derrin had taken a liking to sitting here, notebook in one hand, quill in the other. This was one of the few times lately that he had to himself, and he spent it jotting down the events of the last few days. Mainly his activities with his students. He had seen three such students last week alone, and one the week before that. He flipped back and forth between the notes he had taken from those encounters as he wrote the ones from his last lesson. He was trying to keep a sense of continuity between lessons, and referring to the older lessons made for a newer and better next lesson with out loosing the vital information that was important to all the students. Derrin had decided that he really liked teaching.
With a small sigh, he set his quill down, and tilted his head back to rest against the high backed chair he had grown so fond of. He let his mind wander back to those lessons, each one in turn.
Null was the first. Sitting alone in the teachers lounge, Null had come in to speak to Aldius for his first exam. It hadn't gone well. Within minutes the two found themselves sitting on the couches, deeply engrossed in a conversation regarding the exam. Null had listened intently, and asked many good questions. Some of his theory was off, but it was no trouble explaining it to him. He took the lesson in thoroughly, and promptly passed his test immediately afterwards. Not long after that the question of shadowjumping came up and Derrin offered what he knew, having learned the skill from Fel'brin, one of the other instructors at the Academy. It seemed that a practical lesson was much more suited to Null than the theory. He learned the skill very quickly.
A smile found its way to Derrins lips involuntarily as he thought of his next student, Fox. Derrin had happened upon her in Cordor with a few of her friends. They had made their way to the Academy shortly afterward, on a shopping expedition. She had said in passing as she saw more and more of the school that she wanted to enroll. Derrin had been following from the shadows, listening to the group and making sure they weren't up to any trouble, and at that moment decided that they were safe and made himself known. She was so eager to learn that she left her friends company to study! It was a couple of days later that Derrin had found her in the Academy library reading by herself. Again, minutes later they were in front of the large book spalyed across the table near the back pouring over many of the theories involving the skills all shadow dancers employ, which invariably led to shadowjumping. The lesson finished little more than half an hour later with Fox a capable, if not slightly rusty shadowjumper.
Aniril came into the Academy not minutes after Derrin had settled down to scribe his notes on Fox's lesson, interrupting the task. Derrin never minded interruptions by a student, or any member of the school. Aniril was a personal friend besides, and the two hadn't spoke in some time. Conversations between the two often led to shadowdancing, and Derrin remembered that Aniril had asked about shadowjumping a few weeks prior. Aniril had gained a good amount of competence as a shadowdancer already, so it was pretty easy to get his head around the principals involving the skill. Again, the theoretical aspect evaded him to a degree, but he came around quickly and understood. He too, by the end of the evening had completed several shadowjumps and was on his way to becoming competent in his own right.
Not a day later, a wood elf by the name of Vidugavia came into the Academy with the intent of meeting with a teacher. To his surprise, Derrin found that he was the teacher being sought. One of the students had recommended him. Again, a smile pursed his lips. It was nice to have made a positive impact on a student like that. Vidugavia was very good at the theory involved in the art, and as time went on, they found themselves in the field practicing. Practical was a different story. Derrin chuckled to himself as he thought of the wood elf trying his very best to make a jump, only to find himself lying on the grass. Derrin thought of his own time trying to make even the simplest jump, only to end up in the same position, flat out on his back. The two of them spent a little longer practicing, but Vidugavia found the knack of shadowjumping probably more completely than the others did.
Derrin sat up again, taking his quill and jotting the last few lines in his notebook. He then set the pad aside, open, to let the ink dry, then took out a more formal looking book. Again, a notebook of sorts, but this one looked more like one a teacher would use as a reference while teaching a class. Derrin began transcribing from his notepad to the notebook. If he was to make Instructor, he had better be organized, he thought.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Wed, Sep 08 2010, 2:30 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Once again, on a normaly quiet evening at the Academy, Derrin found himself sitting in the lobby in a chair that he came to like, and in a way, claim as his own. This was where he spent much of his free time, time he could spend reading, talking with fellow students and the like. Today however was gearing up to be much like the previous week. Busy.
The voices drifted down the hall, from the direction of the library. One of the voices he recognized right away, the other was new. So off he went, curiosity driving him. On entering the room, he saw a bright red dress sitting on one of the couches. This he didn't recognize. The other form, on the opposite couch, talking and giggling happily was the familiar form of Fox. "Just the man I was looking for." Derrin was about to excuse himself for interrupting, but was stopped with a curious look on his face from Fox's words. "Me?" "This is Dore. A new student. I was showing her around the academy, and talking about the things she would do here when she enrolls." Seeing Fox with a grin, or some happy demeanor was commonplace, and it made Derrin smile as well. He found the girl quite contagious. Derrin exchanged pleasantries with Dore, introducing himself, asking a bit about her and of her experience with Shadowdancing and how she liked it. The responces he got were a bit vague, almost uncertain. It seemed Dore was unsure what she was experiencing with her new skills. She did how ever express a desire to enroll in the academy. It was about that time that Fox excused herself, claiming some errand and ran off. Shortly after, Derrin and Dore were in the teachers lounge, with a very nervous Dore standing face to face with Aldius. The latter with a sly grin on his face as he confronted the new student. Aldius being the clever one he is, didn't even bother to talk to Dore, he just burst into his testing. Poor Dore didn't have a chance. Her unfamiliarity with shadowdancing or its lore left her baffled as Aldius babbled out his question. "Nope! Incorrect. Come back to me when you've learned a bit more" The sly grin widened as he claimed defeat over his helpless victim. "Come sit with me a while, Dore. We'll talk" Dore shuffled over to one of the couches in the library and sat herself. "Don't mind him, he's always a bit high on himself like that" While the two talked the door swung open and a small pixi fluttered in, turned a lap around the room, then settled on Aldius shoulder. The sly grin vanished right away. "I want to learn about shadowdancing!" The high pitched squeak of the pixies voice made him wince. This brought a smile to Derrin's face. Once again, Aldius started babbling out his exam, an exam that the little pixi had apparently studied for. She answered the questions with little hesitation, and as fast as Aldius could ask them. And, to Derrin's disapointment, a bit too loud. Enough for Dore to hear the answers. He didn't stop the pixi from giving away too much however. he just watched to see how the potential student would react. He watched as Dore bent an ear, and paid rapt attention. Good, she's focused and determined, he thought. When the pixi flitted off Aldius' shoulder, giving him a peck on the cheek in so doing, the room got very quiet. Dore turned back to Derrin with a look on her face, one that spoke understanding, and a desire to learn the truth of the answers.
She was a very attentive student, listening and asking good questions when the time was right. Derrin had little trouble showing her the meaning of the answers to the questions she had heard. Answers that she eventually repeated in her own words, while still retaining the core of the matter. No more than hour later, Derrin motioned to Aldius, and a smile to Dore.
Minutes later, Aldius flashed an annoyed frown at Derrin, and handed a small insignia to Dore. "I did it!!" Dore skipped back over to the couch brandishing her new trophy with a smile. "Thank you Derrin, so much!" "I new you'd do it, Dore. Congratulations."
Dore tucked her insignia into her pouch, then excused herself claiming an appointment in the morning. The door had just cleared the latch when Aldius snapped "That's the fourth one this week! the second in less than a day! I need to rethink this test" He huffed and flopped back down into his chair, pulling out a note pad and scribbling furiously. Derrin eased himself off the couch and back to the lobby and to his waiting chair. Only a knowing smile given to Aldius was all he offered on the way out.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Tue, Oct 19 2010, 20:33 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Things seemed to be changing. Not rapidly, but steadily. Many things were going on in the world, both on Amia and Rauthym, but that did nothing to stop or slow the flow of new students venturing to Shadowscape, and the Academy, to learn.
Derrin noted that these days the study wasn't good enough to accommodate the number of students seeking a tutor. So he decided, after moving he and his students one afternoon to the large classroom, to prepare a lesson plan that could be used in large groups. The first day went very well, even though it was impromptu, and largely dealt with 'on the spot', the students took to the lesson and the format very well.
The second day was even better. A notice was put up, a time set, and several students attended, some even from the class the day before. Derrin smiled to himself, the students were intrigued enough to attend two classes in a row. This spoke well for the student body these days. They were interested, committed, and willing to practice both on their own, and under the guidance of a teacher. I hope Grandmaster Brandrik is ready for the increase in the student population.
On a whim, Derrin decided to go to the lounge and look at the roster and registrations, comparing it to the list he had on his notepad. On review he noticed that a few names were missing. The students had assured him that they submitted their registrations, but had not heard back as yet. Flipping though a few more pages, Derrin also noted that his documents and reviews on the lessons from the other days had been submitted, but not yet approved. Taking out his quill, he made a few quick notes, jotting down the names of the students in question: Venorik, Archos Kage, Fai'shan, Aideen, Valu'un'kai, he made side notes beside Venorik, and Fai'shan to indicate that their names had yet to be added to the student roster.
With that he set his quill back in its case, closed his notepad and tucked it away. He set off to the offices of the senior teachers to submit his findings so that the records were accurate.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Mon, Oct 25 2010, 19:21 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
They walked through the halls of the Academy, he, a few steps in front of her, leading the way. Eyes from here and there watched them as they passed and were quickly turned away as he glared back. They came to a room at the back, the apartments that some of the faculty members used. He used the key he kept, flicking the door open and standing aside for her to enter. She hurried in, gathering what looked to be her personal belongings close to her chest and not wanting to linger in the hall any longer than necessary.
Derrin watched her as she made her way awkwardly into the room, looking about as if she would be swallowed whole by something. When she spotted the chest near the door, she moved to unpack the few things she brought. A few modest outfits, some traveling gear, and other 'feminine' things which she carefully concealed from him. Derrin had moved to a large dresser, and was telling her she could use it for her things. So apparently uncomfortable she appeared that she wasn't paying attention to what he had said. Her hurried actions, and nervous eyes were fixed only on the task at hand. Derrin watched in mild amusement.
After some time organizing her stuff, and her thoughts, she seemed to relax a little. The Shadow plane still made her uneasy, but she claimed that any place was nice as long as he was near. Derrin sat on an adjacent couch watching her, and making small conversation about living, and sleeping arrangements. This just seemed to set her on edge again. And still, Derrin watched her in amusement and offered soothing words.
In his own head though, everything was spinning. He could barely remember what he had said even minutes after saying it. This from a professional. One who did things meticulously, carefully. But she always sent his thoughts reeling. Her 'way', even when she was mad at him, which was often, he could only smile.
From as far back as he could remember, having a woman in his room, or even in his life, meant eventual pain, and if he was lucky, it was just physical pain. Now it was different..this was a lesson he didn't know how to prepare for. This wasn't anything even close to what he knew.
He WANTED this woman in his life. No matter what.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Wed, Nov 17 2010, 20:15 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
All the days were jumbled together now. When did they fight, and make her run away? When did he kiss her, and why? What happened to his armor? When did he walk out into the rain? All of didn't make any sense anymore. It was all there in front of him. They were there every day, though he barely had any recollection of traveling to see them. She was often at his side, though he almost never recalled her arrival.
What started to stand out now was the blaring silence. An odd sense of irony it seemed.
The only things that became focused and sensible were the times in class. With those pairs of eyes staring back at him, waiting for what he would say next. They would take it all in, ask more questions, then come back the next time and do it all again. There was logic in this. Order. A clear definition. It was something he could make happen with out all the mess and chaos. And when it started to go awry, it was easily fixed and set right again. His world was less out of control.
But the second class ended....it all came back. The mental whirlwind, spinning out of control.
Running away from it was useless, he knew that. It was even senseless, he knew that too. But it was a first instinct. An instinct that was embedded into the very fiber of any sentient being. To find shelter, comfort and safety. How to stand in the face of adversity and not crumble? How do you look at the very thing that can destroy you and not run? And when that very thing, the thing that can unmake you, is intertwined with every breath you take, what shelter and comfort can you find?
"Oh....gods make it stop!!!"
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Thu, Dec 02 2010, 21:00 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Just when things started to calm down, new problems arrived...literally. Caraigh, Ceyren's Mill in particular, had been over run by a cockroach infestation. These cockroaches walked on two feet, and thought the world of themselves, and demanded that every one else think the world of them as well. Else they would be killed. He had thought he left this problem behind.
Then there was 'her'. She was around for a time, then gone. There was almost no pattern or predictability to it. In those times that she was gone, he found himself wandering aimlessly. Lost. Direction and purpose were muted and blurred into the background. With only one exception.
The forays had gotten longer and longer. first it was only to the outlying lands beyond the gates, within 'sight' of the city. Then he would go a bit further, with the company and security of his traveling companion. His escort was intimately familiar with the area, and the things in it. Getting lost was also a bit less likely as well. Soon he was able to go for longer distances with out his companion, being able to navigate almost by instinct. Cardinal direction, and distance were inconceivable in this place, but time spent in a place eventually leads one to a level of familiarity.
The things he saw, at first, would try to destroy him, or at the very least, push him back to his own place, or plane, in this case. Clearly he was not a native in their eyes, and so didn't belong. There were times when he could only look for refuge, and evade the horde until they left him alone long enough to make an escape. As time went on, and the forays grew longer, the things would bother him less and less. Now he could almost go days with out drawing his blades. There were even times when in such battles, others of the plane that happened by would fight along side him, to help fend off those that didn't recognize him. In these latest days wandering the Shadow, looking for his purpose, or to just try to distract himself for the times when 'she' wasn't around, the red glowing eyes and shadowy things looked on him no differently than two wagons passing each other on the trade road. Many looked on him as a Fellow.
Slowly, but very definitely, he was becoming 'One of them'. To what extent, was unknown.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Mon, Dec 06 2010, 21:57 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Derrin didn't sleep a wink that night. Not only because he was, for the first time, next to her in the same bed, but because he lay awake going over the series of events that led to him beating one of his students unconscious in his apartment in the Academy.
It started innocently enough. He had left his room to go find a student or some other person that would be interested in a particular bottle of wine he had come across. But such was not an easy task in a building of Shadowdancers. So Derrin had used a scroll that would allow him to assume the form of a creature that could see a Dancer, even if concealed. And sure enough, he saw the young girl, standing behind a couch not feet from his mate, bow in hand.
The form he had taken had the ability to confuse the mind of others, so he did that. He sent out his mind muddling attack with the intent of dazing and confusing the girl long enough to remove her and berate her as is proper from teacher to student. But in her confusion, the intruding young girl leveled her bow and attacked Derrin's mate. The next thing he saw was his student on the floor, unconscious. The last few moments had gone from his mind.
Derrin quickly assessed the moment, and pieced together in his mind what must have happened. He then strode patiently over to the girl on the floor, and dragged her out into the halls by the scruff of of her tunic. There he unceremoniously dumped her on the floor, then kneel down beside her and whispered something in her ear.
A look of shock was all the woman had to offer as Derrin calmly walked back to his apartment, and locked the door behind him.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Tue, Mar 29 2011, 21:04 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The months rolled by. People came and went, so did the days events, and routines. Every now and then, Derrin would have cause to visit the Material plane for this reason or that, mundane things really. Never for long though, he would be back in the Shadow as soon as he was able. Even though it was considered a bleak place, dangerous by some, it was where he knew peace.
It was affecting him more than he realized. first only mentally. But now....
It was one thing to be able to cast a spell, or manipulate certain energies to a desired effect. Many people were able to do it. At least in some way. Those that attuned themselves to those energies over years of study and use usually bore some mark of their dedication. Pyromancers might find themselves unusually resistant to fire, or feel hot to the touch. High standing clerics or priests often produce an almost tangible aura that gave a sense of their devotion. But these people weren't soaking in the energies of a plane of existence. Like being under the sun for too long, the skin would redden and burn. Being in the Shadow, and surrounded by them for as long as Derrin had, light itself seemed to want to avoid him the way the plane would shun it.
He had noticed it awhile back, but paid it no heed. A trick of the eye born of long hours at work in the Academy. Then people would watch him as he passed just a little bit longer than he was used to. He never returned their look, as usual, just continued on his way as if nothing was out of the ordinary. When he was finally alone he finally gave it more attention. At first he was still unconvinced, but then he noticed the shadow of the building he was next to. Stark in contrast beyond a few feet, but then its edges blurred and blended to the area near to him. He could still make out the shadow, it was just....darker? No, that's not it....deeper? Hmm almost. He decided to keep to the darker areas so as to not attract any more attention than necessary. He walked on, making his way to a safer spot so he could return to the Shadow, where he wouldn't appear out of place. The things there emitted a much deeper darkness as a matter of course.
Derrin mused to himself. Was he becoming one of them......? Was this a natural evolution....or supernatural...?
He had another lesson to learn. Come to terms with what was happening. And learn to deal with it.
What was -she- going to say? He hurried back to the Academy, to the library, to find out if there was anything he could learn of this.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Mon, Jun 13 2011, 0:01 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
It was so distant, but it seemed so real. The green eyes were the most remarkable thing.....
"It's for the best. You'll be safe"
Was that a fire behind them? In the distance....? Where was the other one? The name.....forgotten.. The door closes, it's dark. So very dark, but, not so much that I cant see. Relief. Everything will be ok. Those green eyes are there again. I'm ok. But then there is a loud snap!!!, and the green eyes stare at me, angry and curious.
"Why?! Where are you going?! Don't leave! Why did you kill me!!?"
THUMPTHUMPTHUMP!!! My heart is racing! But I have to be quiet...or they'll find me! Sshh.....quietly now...
no one can see....it will be ok. You'll just have to be alone from now on is all.
Thats ok.....
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Last edited by Analog Kid on Sun, Jan 29 2012, 16:49 PM, edited 1 time in total.
Posted: Mon, Jun 13 2011, 21:43 PM |

Joined: 20 May 2010
The pale elven messenger hurries away from the academy after being threatened thoroughly by Derrin. She mutters under her breath as she hurries out into the ever dark city. "Ungrateful wretch did not deserve the journal http://www.amiaworld.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=52334&p=967205#p967205 I left him from his love."
_________________ "Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives." ~William Dement
Analog Kid
Posted: Fri, Sep 16 2011, 15:41 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The days just kept rolling by. They turned into weeks, then months, and eventually years. There were the usual influxes of students, but mostly the ghostly quiet of an empty Academy. That suited Derrin just fine. He liked the quiet, its what kept him coming back. throughout those months and years he would often make long forays out into the raw shadow. To explore and experience the plane in its natural form. He felt comfortable there, like he belonged. Maybe that was it, belonged. He hadn't 'belonged' somewhere in a very, very long time.
As time went on, he noticed that the things 'out there' would take longer to be aggressive, and eventually they mostly just left him alone, many of the things viewing him as 'one of them' rather than some outsider. Like the people he knew on the Material plane. So often as he walked through the various markets, a child and its mother would scurry across the street, avoiding the path Derrin was on. People would move an extra seat or two away at the taverns, and in some extreme cases he would be blatantly refused and kicked out of places. The various weather started to bother him too. It never did before, having been on his own for the last fifty years or so, and also having to endure some of the harshest environments just to survive. Now a soft rain felt like a squad of school children hurling spitballs at him. An overcast day was a glaring experience that drove him indoors as soon as possible, and ultimately back to the Shadow even faster. There was nothing for him under the sun now.....
Well....almost nothing. She was often gone, but she'd be back. Eventually. He just hoped that she could accept him for what he was becoming.
That left vast amounts of time to himself. As one of the very few occupants of the Academy, he was left to study the books in the library. By now he'd read most of them twice over, and the text book for the students many more times that.
Some idle discussion one day, turned serious. The talk of deeper study and reflection. "There has to be a more focused application....." were some of the words used. Now there was progress. The study had paid off. The high masters had made a breakthrough. "....of course some certain skill to start with always helps.....". Derrin focused on those words as he regarded the rope at his feet, and the candle next to it. The shadow the rope cast was slight, but definite. He was very used to identifying shadow, and the subtle situations where his skills could or could not be properly employed. He also 'felt' the shadow, again, after so many years, it was almost second nature. Like knowing if one was wearing ones boots with out looking down at the feet.
The shadow and the rope were one and the same to him. They must be, like a body and its soul. The other side of the coin. With out one, there could not be the other. He focused on that too, the essence and pattern of the shadow. The way they interconnected. The relation one had to the other, and then, how they were bound. This was his goal. All things could be brought apart, all that was needed was a proper vision. The deep knowledge of what makes things 'whole'. Then, simply ....undo it.
He reached out to the shadow. Much like he would when manipulating them for personal defense, or when casting them as a weapon. This time however, his touch was slower, more careful. He didn't try to move the shadows in or out, or to try to change their shape or what have you. This time he focused on the bonds between the rope and its shadow. Slowly, very slowly, he started seperating them. Piece by piece. He watched in amazement as the end of the rope started to fray, strands falling to floor, his mouth grew into a small smile as satisfaction settled in. Then, in a sharp sudden release, the shadow let go and flew into his face, his concentration broken for only that split second as he let his mind say 'success!' before letting success settle in. The shadows struck him full in the face, sending him reeling against the wall. His vision cleared, so did his mind, after a few moments. Shaking his head, he let out a growl of disappointment. More at himself for being a premature fool than for failing at the task. He brought out his text again, and read over the passages marked by one of the other masters. Putting it away, and the rope, he settled on a much simpler item. A very small piece of paper. He crumpled it a bit, so it would catch the light better, then set to work......
This went on for nearly a week. His stock of paper dwindling steadily, and the small trash can next to his desk steadily filling with loose fibers. He leaned back in his chair and cradled his cup of tea as he looked slowly across the desk at the coil of rope. The ends were solid, dipped in wax to keep them from fraying. Derrin just looked at it with determination. Tomorrow. He would try again tomorrow. First, he had the rest of this chapter to read, then bed.
He would need his rest.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Wed, Dec 07 2011, 19:09 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Derrin just watched as the fruits of his labor rotted and turned against him. For years he made it his personal responsibility to make better those that followed in his footsteps. It was exactly that way at the beginning, then it started to turn. They were arrogant, lustful, irresponsible, proud. This last one was the primary downfall. They were, each and every one of them, proud. To a fault. This only made it harder for those that continued to study and discover the art, to be able to practice and learn.
Cause and effect.
To be certain, a good challenge was the key to higher learning, but the things these days made it nigh impossible to apply the art. So many people were employing devices and prepared spells to allow them to see things that were otherwise undetectable. Spells of shape shifting, seeing, alertness. Such things were not common place before, but now, with the proud new generation afoot, people grew paranoid and over cautious. The various factions didn't make things any better. Those that sought to bring an otherworldly poison to the realm, others that blindly worked to indoctrinate others into their tyrannical religion, and the newest fad, those that collected coin and labor in the shape of flesh. Those same proud 'masters' were part of these factions these days. They were sure that their ability would grant them what they needed to do their dark work unopposed.
The other side of the same coin was that this new generation would still use their skill openly, even in light of the reputation that was being spread like a plague, right in front of their eyes. The best intentions are often marred by a certain lack of insight, or judgment. "I was only trying to help!!" are often the words that follow.
Now it was time. Cause and effect. If they would use spells and such to counter his effort, he would use his own art to counter theirs. There was a way, something he had brought up a long time ago. It was left to another to pursue, and Derrin let it be at that....until now. He moved through the city, silent, and invisible to all but the most attentive. He slipped his key from inside his tunic, closing the door behind him quickly as he entered. With an annoyed sigh, he pulled out his own device, one that allowed him to change form. He needed to be sure he was not followed. Satisfied, he made his way to the library, and collected two books. Then he was at the gate, passing the two guards with a polite nod. They moved aside as he passed, knowing him well from over the years.
The path was not difficult, though he never took that for granted. Using the necessary spells, and precautions, he made his way through the raw shadow, to a place where he often was of late. There was what appeared to be a waterfall, and an old ruin. Derrin knew full well that mapping or cataloging the Shadow was a fools errand. Instead, he took notes. Some things were constant on the Shadow, few, but some. It was these that he took note of. After some exploring, as far as he dared this deep in the Shadow, he made camp. It was then that he took out his other book, and began to study.
Cause and effect. If they could, so could he.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sun, Jan 22 2012, 4:34 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
He sat in the room, alone as usual. A small candle flickering on the table, itself the only source of light. Derrin stared for a very long time at the tiny emerald that lay just in front of him, between himself and the candle. The light shone through it strangely, making odd shadows on the table.
Derrin just stared.......It had been more than a month since he had been able to feel anything. Not even a slight flicker, or hint that 'she' was near, or even alive. The stone just sat there, unmoving, even the faint light at its center seemed dimmer. He finally glanced up at the candle. Made by another, its light danced happily, not overly bright, but just bright enough to be seen. Derrin dropped his gaze back to the stone. It hadn't moved. Derrin only blinked, then shook his head
Of course it hasn't moved, fool. Solitude was something he knew, and knew well. Being alone was what he created for himself. As he sat staring at the stone, then at the candle.....
...he started to doubt himself.
Is this living, or surviving?
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sun, Jan 29 2012, 16:47 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The dream was fading fast. The image of her clear blue eyes, long black hair, the blanket pulled part way off her body. She stared at him with a loving smile. Derrin stared right back, lost in content. This was happiness he had not known for centuries.
"I love you, Simbel....." She only started at him in confusion for a moment before replying, "I'm not Simbel." He skidded to a stop, breathing hard. Derrin had been running hard and fast for a long time now, through the endless bleakness of the Shadow, running from...... "Why am I running......?" He knelt down on one knee, to try to relax and collect his thought, he knew, however, that relaxing this deep in the Shadow was a fools errand, and so he made his stop brief, then turned and made his way back to the city.
When he closed the door to his room, he immediately went to his bed. The leather string still hung on the bed post, the small green emerald tied neatly to it, and hanging lifelessly. Derrin regarded it as he tossed his weapons belt and cloak on the bed. Confusion took him again. He didn't remember taking it off. He -never- took it off. Ever. Yet, there it was. Instinctively he moved to fetch it, but stopped himself. Doubt, once again creeping over him. What the hell are you doing, fool? He silently berated himself again. One thing he had been taught, was that doubt and hesitation meant death. He had learned to always have a good plan, and a better contingency. With a quick, almost panicked move, he reached up to his chest, patting it a few times. His sigh of relief slumped his shoulders when he tugged the other leather string, bringing forth the small pendant. The lance board piece swung happily at the end of the cord for a moment before Derrin tucked it away, securely.
What the hell are you doing, fool?! He looked back at the emerald, then slowly, deliberately, stepped away from it. He left it hanging on the post. Once again, garbed in his road gear, he was back out into the city. This time with purpose in his steps as he made his way to the Drunk Dancer.
Moments later he was walking through the gates, the archers on guard there nodding a friendly greeting to the familiar, yet helmeted face as he made his way into the city....
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Tue, Jan 31 2012, 1:27 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Yes, it was all starting to make sense now. How could he loose his way? Not when the way was so clearly visible, surely. "Derrin? ......Derrin?!" The voice came to him as if through a wall, muffled and barely audible. "Derrin!!?" He made his way in the familiar darkness, hoping it was towards the voice, though he still couldn't decide exactly what direction it was coming from. "Derrin!!" It sounded almost panicked now, and it was getting further away. He stopped and listened for a long while.....silence. "Aaisa! Come here girl!!" The large panther padded out from the shadows, where it had been paralleling Derrin protectively. "Listen girl. Go find Her!!!" Aaisa was familiar with the voice, was very fond of its owner, and she ran off eagerly. "Derrin!!!!" It was even further away now. "Aaisa!! Find her, girl. Find her!" Running along behind the cat, Derrin shouted encouragment.... There!!! There she was!! Excitement grabbed him, his goal in view, Aaisa pounding onward, Derrin running as fast as he could. ".....Derrin........." He could barely make it out this time. He wasn't even sure if it was Her talking anymore, so faint was the sound of his name. But how....? She was right there, not ten feet away. Her back was turned. She stood easily, as usual, bow in hand, with Aaisa nuzzling her hand. ".......Simbel....?" He called out weakly, the fear and nerves thick in his voice. She turned and regarded him, the blue eyes almost glowing in the soft light..... ........... "Aaaahhhh!!!!!!!!" He half convulsed, half jumped out of his bed, landing unceremoniously on the floor. He lay there, starring up at the ceiling. Reflexively, he put his hand to his chest, to touch the pendant he kept there. Always present, always dependable, the edges of the green gem that hung there..... He patted his chest, then again, feeling around, each move becoming more panicked. Where?! Its gone!! Scrambling to his feet, he grabbed the bed, hauling himself up, at the same time pulling the leather string from the bedpost where it had been hung not days before. "Hm?" He mused aloud, looking curiously at the small green gem swaying at the end of the string. I don't remember putting this there. He glanced about briefly, then with slight shrug, he hung it back up. "Guess that's where it goes, then." With a casual indifference, as if things were normal all of a sudden, he made his way to his footlocker. Within minutes, he was out in the City, again, heading towards the Drunk Dancer. Of course, this all makes sense now. With a thought of finality, and assurance, he stepped into the planar rift and was soon on the long bridge leading towards the Falls. The ladder creaked a bit under his weight, but he knew where the loose rungs were, and avoided them, having made the decent so many times before. She would help him calm down, she always did. She would sing to him, how he loved her singing. "Simbel! Are you here?" He put his foot on the floor and turned, his eyes settling on candle on the floor..... Candle....? "Hello, friend" ............. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! " *Thump!!!!" He lay starring at the ceiling...the cold floor went unnoticed. This doesn't make any sense!! Whats happening to me!!!
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sun, Feb 05 2012, 0:23 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Damn, they've seen me. Time to move.... What? I don't need to run anymore Yes I do. They're still looking for me Idiot, just kill them and be done with it. There is no time for this. But I don't have to!! Its ok now! I'll be found, and imprisoned. Move now, or die. Its the way its always been I don't have to be alone anymore though!! Its ok now!!! Fool. Will they really offer you the pleasure of simple 'imprisonment? Don't be stupid, kill them, kill them now. Leave no enemy behind you. I know better. No. Its still a trail. Leave no trace..... There is no need for this! Stop.....stop!!! Think! Think and die. Don't be stupid But, if I just be patient....for just a little longer. Wait any longer and you'll grow roots! Roots....yes. Roots, that's good. If I stay, I risk -everything-. No risk, no gain. You have to take a chance eventually. But....now I have -so- much to loose. I can't bear it. Not again...... Then think!!! Get up, move!!! Leave no trace! Kill any that are too great a risk!!! Leave no enemy behind you!! Be patient, but don't wait damnit!!! MOVE!!------------------------------------------- Once again, he found himself in the depths of the Shadow, running. The things that normally wandered this far out paid him no mind, or were quickly dispatched. The negative energies from the ones that managed to get past his defences left him gasping for each breath. But he ran on, almost compelled. The random thoughts racing through his head, completely unbidden. He only ran harder, able to leave the various creatures behind, but not his thoughts...each day, seeming to almost grow into madness. She can't see me like this. It will ruin her.... Eventually, fatigue overcame him, and he simply collapsed, landing hard, and skidding for several feet before falling into unconsciousness. When he woke, there was nothing but darkness. Not an impenetrable darkness, but the very dim luminescence that he had grown so accustomed to over the hears. He had not been disturbed, he didn't even know how long he lay there. As he rose and collected his scattered weapons, he noticed a dark form not far off. It just stood there, seemingly inattentive. For the briefest moment, Derrin thought to get the drop on it, and dispatch it quickly. Then he noticed, the telltale glowing eyes. He just put his weapons away, nodded to the thing, and made his way home. The various thoughts were nothing but a bad dream by now, barely a distant thought. In fact, as he consciously thought of the things that so disturbed him these days, he found that the stillness was still there. Not like it used to be, but different. It was something more. He was scared, to be sure, but he was ready to see it now. One step at a time. The answer will be there, just close your eyes and believe.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Posted: Thu, Feb 09 2012, 0:15 AM |

Joined: 20 May 2010
The crossroads were empty when she arrived. Her leather boots were stained pale gray with dust. She shifted her pack while she looked around. All was quiet. The road was not well traveled. Her brief glance at the dirt path told her that no person had recently passed through the mountains she traversed. Not that she expected to see anyone. It had been almost two months since she had seen anyone else but him.
She smiled wryly. Hermits weren't known to be social creatures. She reached up, as if to grasp something around her neck, and her fingers touched her collarbone instead. Her green eyes blinked with surprise and then relief flooded across her face. It wasn't suppose to be there anymore. She had to remember that. Her hand fell to the neckline of her tunic and traced the top of it briefly. The small curve of a tattoo peeked out above her left breast. The skin around the tattoo was inflamed indicating recent placement.
She began to hum softly to herself and her eyes grew unfocused. The song whispered from her as naturally as her own breath. Its melody swirled peacefully through the quiet air. The sound was soft and peaceful. It would have created contentedness had there been anything or anyone around to hear it. A dull glow appeared under the chest of her tunic in response to the melody. It seemed to flicker and ebb with each note she hummed. When the last notes drifted away into the sky, the strange light under her tunic disappeared.
She shook her head and laughed softly when she realized her absentmindedness. She had stopped still and was staring at nothing while she sang a song to no one but herself. With a brief movement, her hand pushed away the lock of white hair that fell into her eyes. It was in sharp contrast with the rest of her hair, which was a vibrant red. She turned south and began walking. It was time to return.
_________________ "Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives." ~William Dement
Posted: Fri, Feb 10 2012, 18:22 PM |

Joined: 20 May 2010
She lay miserably in the poorly constructed straw bed. She was hungover and heartbroken. It was hard for her to fathom that she returned only to be told that he could not love her anymore.
She was very angry at him afterward. A dark smile appeared at her lips as she thought of the night before. She had spent most of the night telling every person she could find in Shadowscape what a ass Derrin was for ripping her heart out of her chest. She had even bought drinks in the tavern for any person that would tell Derrin he was an ass to his face.
Then she had stormed back to the academy and had taken all of her items from their room. Leaving the ring she had personally designed for him on the dresser. She told everyone in the academy that they she take lessons from Derrin on how to break a woman's heart. As she was leaving, she had an inspiration. She hired the local painter to paint an image of her as she was now and then send it to Derrin at the academy so he could live with that image of her.
Why had she even returned? A bitter laugh escaped her lips. It was pure irony that she went away to help herself so she could be with him then and when she returned he told her that he did not want the emotions that came with love anymore. He was a coward. A rotten stinking coward. He was running away when he got scared. Just like always.
Her thoughts turned toward her sister. She had taken her the ring to help with the magical fey curse. Her sister had been curiously silent when she had told her about Derrin's actions. She had told her then that she would be leaving the realm. She no longer had any reason to stay in a place where Derrin was.
Derrin a shadowdancer? Hah! He was a shadowlurker and a shadowthief. A thief who had stolen her heart. He spent time luring her into a false sense of security so she would let down her guard and trust him. Then her took her feelings and ripped them apart.
Now she lay in the tavern in Wiltun. The waiting would kill her. The ship only docked once a month. It would arrive within the next fortnight. Waiting on the ship.... the ship that would take her away forever. To a place where she would forget about love and the person who had taught her, once again,that it was for fools and idiots.
_________________ "Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives." ~William Dement
Analog Kid
Posted: Sat, Feb 11 2012, 4:47 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
It was the most painful thing he'd ever experienced in his life. Over two hundred fifty years of practice he had at pain and suffering, and this was by far the worst ever. Worse even that confronting her. At first he thought she was a Dark Mirage, a type of hallucination encountered in the Shadow Plane. She -was- supposed to be dead after all. Derrin had been told that 'things would happen' as he grew, so after a few moments, he tried simply to stave off the image, but it persisted. Things only got worse though, and eventually it came to blows, blood shed in the Academy. Only the second time Derrin had ever encountered it, or heard of it. Not only had he crossed blades with a student, but 'her' sister. The same girl he had regarded as his own sister for so long. She was right to attack of course, she was only defending her sibling, but Derrin had to hold his ground, or be called a coward sooner than he was due.
As time passed, Derrin saw that the only thing he was accomplishing, was the ruin of a poor girls heart and soul. It seemed that was the only thing he could do, and she could be his only victim. The memories haunted him, just as his eyes did. She had gone through so much, and all for the love of the only man she's let touch her voluntarily. She's sold her legacy to be free of fear, all to be with this one person. She'd shattered her own mind, all to be with this one person. Derrin couldn't help but feel only guilt that a person would choose such suffering just to be with someone. The idea of it was completely alien to him. People just didn't do that sort of thing, not where he was raised. In his experience, such suffering was brought on a person by another, it was just the way it was. He'd seen more though, since escaping that tortured past. He'd seen people act different, react different. They did things, and for odd reasons. He tried to understand, and learn, but with no context, no living example to draw on, he was only met with confusion. Why? why would someone do this? Why would they tear themselves asunder, mind and body? He knew what he was seeing, he'd seen it many times before, the actions of one person to cause ruin on another. He wanted to leave that life behind though, he didn't want to be the cause of -this- persons suffering anymore. Too often he lay awake, afraid to reverie, or sleep, for fear of the things he would see or remember. He cared to much for her.
It was time to put that to rest. To leave the pain behind, to set her free. To do that though, would mean doing the thing he swore never to do. He had to hurt her. That was almost too much for him to bear. He tried to explain, but the emotion and pain clouded all. Reason and clarity were lost. There was no way to salvage it, the damage done. As she walked away, he crumpled, falling to the stone. His mind whirling in so many directions he thought he would finally break, and sink into madness. For a brief moment, he wished for it. To drift beyond the city and be among the other things that roamed the Shadow, to leave all conscious thought behind.
You will change. The compulsion to be in the Shadow will only get stronger. If you're not strong enough, you will be lost like them.
Congratulations, brother! Wear this proudly, you are among the best the Academy has to offer now.
We'll start with basic planar theory today......
Its who you are.
That's my job.
I love you.
Slowly, he sat up, wiping his eyes, and taking several long deep breaths. The hurt. The suffering. It would pass. Like all things, it would heal. As long as he was strong. No more running.
It was time to live now. No more running.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Posted: Wed, Feb 15 2012, 18:09 PM |

Joined: 23 Dec 2011 Location: Deep in the snow
It was another quiet evening in Winya. Tialis lit candles before the idol of her god, then looked around, glancing about the half-ruined shrine. Water was dripping from the ceiling, making the elf wrinkle her nose in disdain.
Silently she picked up her bow and climbed up the ladder, heading to the training area. There the archer stopped before the targets, sizing up the distance and determining the direction of the wind. Her fingers checked the tautness of the bowstring in a practiced manner, before pulling it once, testing.
Tia's gaze was locked upon the target before her, her mind, however, was focused on other things. The woman's fingers brushed against the rose etched upon her quiver gently before snatching an arrow and drawing it out, nocking it. The string was pulled tight and the woman froze for a brief second, trying to catch that moment between the beats of her heart. Finally her fingers released the string, sending the missile toward the target.
The arrow hit an outer ring, which made the elf furrow her brows. Distracted. She muttered to herself. Just so very distracted. The thought brought a light smile to her lips and she peered about, glancing to the flickering shadows around her. Where are you?
Tia watched the quiet town for a few minutes longer, then shouldered her bow and drew her port wand, activating it. Arion is so going to die laughing when he learns... Her quiet chuckle bristled in the air and then she stepped through the portal into the twilight.
_________________  Tialis Anara - an insubordinate, stubborn and irritating piece of an elfling Sabala - the little ghost
Analog Kid
Posted: Fri, Mar 09 2012, 4:47 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Derrin walked along the streets for the next few minutes, seeing spots in front of his eyes. The words "Oh, pardon me...." became a litany as he stumbled along, bumping into things he thought were people, and people he thought were things. His eyes already couldn't handle the light, then the priestesses in the Chapel of Lathander asked for his 'professional' opinion. Weeks before that he had sat in his room trying to think of -any- excuse he could, to -not- go and offer his services, but that tiny voice in his head, that gnawing sense of loyalty, the shred of honor he clung to like a fraying life line, compelled him. He could not deny the fact that the Church had been good to him in the past, which of itself, wasn't unusual, but Derrin knew, he must be a special case, or they wouldn't have summoned one such as him. Or perhaps it was what he was, that they summoned him. He had suffered a few sleepless nights for that line of thinking.
Why me? Because you're the best, you idiot. Once again, that internal monologue rolled around his head, and he shook it away, just in time to see the tree, THWAP!!. With a resigned sigh, he slumped to its base, to let his eyes clear enough so he could make it to the boat, with his nose more or less in tact.
The Chapel was probably the source of all light in Cordor, or so Derrin's eyes kept trying to tell him, and they wanted -more-. Well, not more, but more effective use of it. Oddly enough, light just happened to be something Derrin knew -very- well. He'd spent much of his life studying it, how it worked, where it fell, how it fell, the variances of it, and especially, the absence of it. That feeling kept coming back to him. He could count two separate occasions now, where he had offered his 'professional' opinion, on how to work against the thing he'd chosen to master. The Chapel just happened to be the most recent. He looked around, examining the place, and his mind started to whirl, calculate, plan, plot. That too, was something he was good at, and also just another thing that made him ask..."Why me?". Again, that gnawing sense of honor, to the people that had 'overlooked' who..or perhaps, what he was, and treated him with some measure of fairness, maybe even equality, or...dare he say, respect. He made a show of moving around, eying the place, when in fact he just needed to turn his back so they wouldn't see the look of confusion on his face, that inner conflict. No, you're a professional. Be professional., he told himself. That had decided it. He took a steadying breath, and turned to the two girls, and went about offering his most accurate, and expert opinion. No one, Shadowdancer or otherwise, would skulk in here, and not get caught in the act. He had thought about those that used the greater sanctuary spells, or invisibility spells, but....let them, he thought. Doors don't open by themselves.
Within the span of just less than an hour, he and the other priestess in charge of the task, 'Stormy' as he knew her, though the other lady kept calling her 'Dawn', had a secure layout in their minds. They had bought twelve mirrors, and claimed that Lady Mengala had a few more. Derrin had almost laughed in their face, but quickly turned away, again, making a show of examining the place. Twelve. His initial assessment had it down to at the bare minimum, four. Dawn had a solid understanding of what needed done, and they managed to create their layout, and still leave more than half their mirrors as extra. With a nod of satisfaction, he declared his final opinion, to which they all agreed. Dawn had made a casual remark about drawing up a floor plan, so the others of the order could review and discuss. She had also said that she was no 'mapper', and that they would seek one out to draw the necessary designs. Two minutes later, after rummaging through his own collection of maps, he had settled down to draw a fresh one, complete with the discussed lay out of mirrors, and torches, as well as including the other options they had discussed for illuminating the idol. Derrin, again, smiled with some satisfaction at a job well done.
"Always be prepared", was something he told himself day in and day out. He'd have little reason to go to the temple, let alone skulk around the place. So let others tackle the challenge. Their skill against his, and the Churches. He finally got up, rubbing his eyes, blinking most of the spots away. He instinctively moved away from the tree, thinking he was going towards the boat, and had been from the start, then stopped when he saw the gondolier. There's no gondolier in south Cordor....... The look of confusion must have been plain as a passerby stopped and asked if he was lost. "Other side of the city, bud" was the remark he got when he asked where Gustav docked his boat. Another resigned sigh, and a nod, then he turned and walked clear across the city, to the waiting captain.
I hate this city.....
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sat, Apr 14 2012, 5:02 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
It was happening anyway, why fight it. All the things he was, is, could be, should be, were a blur. Lost to the inner swirlings of his mind, a confused jumble of all the things he'd been through. Most recently significant, his 'adaptation' to his new home, the Shadow plane. He felt himself slowly being stripped down to nothing. First, standing in the halls at the Academy, alone. The odd student staring dumbly at a bookshelf, or a table, the conversation about as enlightening as a day starting at a wall. Which oddly enough, he spent days doing. He had only the jumble of his thoughts to keep him company. Oh, sure every now and then someone would stumble into the place, looking around like they already knew everything, then acting like they did when approached. Derrin often just shook his head.....if only they knew. If they knew even half of what they should know, they'd be twice the 'Dancer' they were. It was embarrassing sometimes, even admitting to be associated. The odd few left those halls with promise, but never to be seen again, their own lesson learned, their own pinnacle achieved, but still....mere shadows of what they could be...such as it were.
With a resigned sigh, one he didn't even register, he started walking. The 'click' of the door didn't register either. The faces, the slightly confused looks on them as he passed, didn't register. He moved now, separate from conscious thought. Driven by some inner instinct, a new one, not the one that had kept him alive for the years it took him to escape the underdark, that life he left behind. Not the instinct that guided him through his own trials at figuring out what this power inside him was, when that part of him gave way to the 'toxic' effect of the Shadowplane. This was almost a pure detachment from what he knew. He was, for the first time, lost. Totally lost. All the maps and experience at knowing where to go, gone. He only knew one thing, one place, and he didn't need any guidance on how to find it. It was already in him.
The deep 'thud!' of the gate went unheard as the guard closed it behind him. They closed the gate to keep the things on the other side of it out. Now, Derrin was one of those things. He knew, deep down inside, that it would take a small miracle for him to find the conscious thought, and will to return. 'He' said this would happen too. One day, in the halls of the Academy, Derrin was told that this 'would happen'. The image was clear in his head, though he couldn't name names, or see faces. Just three dark images in an intersection, talking. "If you're not strong enough, you'll become like the other things, lost to the shadow."
The image blurred over, the words fading off to silent whispers, lost to his mind now. The prevalent darkness of the place didn't effect him, but he still found himself stumbling about, his cloak catching in his feet, tripping him...'Fwop!'....sprawling out on the ground. He casually reached up to his neck, and unclipped it, letting it fall off his shoulders. Hauling himself up, he started off again, only find his weapon belt banging against his legs now. The same as they'd done for ages now, but this time, it seemed to bother him. He wrestled with it a moment, then it too, tumbled to the ground with a deadened clatter. On he went, almost blindly, even though he could see perfectly well in the gloom. The shadow-things that were so common approached now and then, but ultimately, left him alone. On it went, the only mark of his passage, was the trail of littered 'things' behind him. He didn't even register the fact that before long, he was completely naked, and Shadowscape was long gone. The relief washed over him suddenly, the energy of the plane falling into him even deeper with out all the things about him. He could feel it, almost tangibly, taste it, smell it, hear the buzz in his head. Still looking about, turning several circles even, he felt like he had finally found that thing that he lost, that coveted thing, that long lost lover.....
Long lost lover, the thought brought him low, sending him to the ground again. She had been left behind. He had abandon her....for the second time.
What am I doing?!?!?! What you should have done years ago, fool!!!! You let them see you!!! What were you thinking?!!?!? No!!! I've been hiding long enough....haven't I...? You're a weak little child, you know that? Always looking for mommy. Grow up!!! You're embarrassing me!!! I don't know where to go!! Where do I go!!! Lost? You're lost? FINALLY!!!!! What better way to find that which can't be found!!? And how better to hide something that does not wish to be found?! Lost you say?! Well, you've finally succeeded then. NNOOOOO!!!! NO !! I don't wan't to be lost!!!! But you don't want to be found either...hmm? If I'm lost, how will she find me? She said she'd find me. You twit!!! Make up your mind!!! You fickle, bumbling, blabbering idiot!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
The scream was lost as well. With an infinite twilight spanning off in every direction, not a living thing to be seen anywhere.
In that moment, Derrin's mind broke. The only thing that was left was what his mind had clung to more than anything. And it clung to it now, like someone hanging from a the edge of a bottomless pit.
When conscious thought was absent, instinct took over. Only now, it was even more base than that. Raw, unconscious, instinct. Two things clawed at his mind, two things, like a trapped animal. An animals instinct was fight, or flight.
For Derrin, it was Survive, or be lost to the Shadow.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Posted: Sun, Apr 15 2012, 20:03 PM |

Joined: 23 Dec 2011 Location: Deep in the snow
She waited.
Long long minutes, each feeling like an hour. Hours feeling like days... All the time she had spent curled up on the big chair in the dim library of the academy, ignoring the curious gazes of the students and the scribe. Waiting, patiently at first. Gradually growing worried. Finally losing hope.
Tialis opened her eyes and slipped to her feet, leaving the building and checking every corner of Shadowscape again. Did this happen? Did the Shadowplane claim him? Is he lost? The truth she could not escape, he was gone. Gone. Lost. The archer's lips pursed in grim resolve as she checked the taut string of her bow and then pushed the gate of the city open, peering into the swirling shadows infront of her.
Derrin. She whispered into the darkness, her fingers grasped the bow tighter. The elf stood motionless a moment longer, then straightened her back, delving into the shadows swiftly, never looking back. She'll find him, she knew it. She'll find him... or join him.
_________________  Tialis Anara - an insubordinate, stubborn and irritating piece of an elfling Sabala - the little ghost
Posted: Wed, Feb 06 2013, 15:15 PM |

Joined: 23 Dec 2011 Location: Deep in the snow
The campfire was burning, radiating heat, the dancing flametongues were glowing bright. Tialis watched the shadows dancing upon the ceiling of the cavern and listened to the crackling of the embers and Derrin's wquiet breath. All her body was sore and beaten after fighting at the snowy dwarven fort, the fight she thought she'd not live through. The screams and thuds of bodies smashed against the gate of the barricaded citadel were not leaving her mind, that was a burden she knew she'd have to bear till the rest of her life. Dark memories like many others she had buried deep within. Her hand moved, stroking Derrin's shoulder slowly, then pulled the furred cloak over them two again, careful to not wake the man up. It was strange to return. To return after finding him in the Shadow and bringing him back only to abandon him soon after. Frankly, she was afraid to come back and find out she was long forgotten. But her fears were proved false. Has anything changed between us? She asked her shadowling. No - was his reply. - I am glad. The thoughts made her smile, pushing the horrors of the siege to the back of her mind for now. The archer turned to her side, embracing her beloved lightly, her gaze lingered upon the everdancing shadows again. Then Tialis whispered under her breath, seeking to not let the memories flood her once more. As I would think, so shall ye; As I would feel, so shall ye; As I would do, so shall ye; As I would not harm, nor shall ye; As the clan would, so shall I; As we would, so shall ye. The People are as one, and never shall I stray from this, nor shall ye, for the digress is to diminish you and your People. The words of the oath were bringing her comfort. Now if she only could stop seeing those shadows everywhere... The elf sighed and closed her eyes, finally slipping into her reverie.
_________________  Tialis Anara - an insubordinate, stubborn and irritating piece of an elfling Sabala - the little ghost
Analog Kid
Posted: Sat, Feb 09 2013, 5:58 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The light murmuring woke him up. Derrin had always been easily roused from reverie, much like anyone that lived the life of one constantly on the road. Rest was some times hard to come by, and just as often, there was time for only very little. He didn't stir though, just lay there, concentrating on the rhythm of his breathing. It was important that she think him still away in his thoughts, and he didn't want to miss what she was saying. The words had struck him as profoundly as a blow to the face. It was all he could do to disguise his whirling thoughts as he rolled over to a new position. For the rest of the night, returning to his reverie was only wishful thinking. "I have to go to work. I'll find you when I'm done." Simple words said to her as she lay, still on the bedroll, in the early chill of a new morning. With out waiting for a response, the previous nights revelations still vivid in his mind, he drifted off through the small cave, quickly and easily out of sight.
'Work' that day simply involved being there. Available for any that might happen by, so Derrin found plenty of empty time to recall what he heard, and go over it again and again in his mind. It was some hours later that he suddenly stopped. He had been making his usual rounds, checking on the various faculty and students. He let the words flow through his mind again, testing them. Always it had been with Derrin to live from past experience, to learn from the things he had done and seen. To take some small measure from everything and use it to grow. To move past who he was and towards what he would be. This it seemed was a lesson he had not prepared for, yet, as he stood there, letting the words echo in his mind, he found that he was not afraid. Not like he used to be at least. Always it was with women that he would be easily set ill at ease....and in many cases, out right frightened. He recalled one instance where, after the object of his torture, a young drowess he knew well, one he had even spent much time with, had left, Derrin was in a corner beside a cliff vomiting in despair. So shaken was he by the girls advances he could not contain himself mentally or physically. Now however, with the previous nights 'adventure' as well as the late night awakening, he couldn't find that unease in him. Now there was only contentment.
"How the hell did I get here." The words were quickly lost to his dull surroundings, but they resounded in him well enough to bring him back to his senses. A student had stopped to regard him curiously. "Pardon, Master?" "Hm? oh, nothing. I'm ok." With a slight wave, and gentle pat on the students shoulder, he stood straight, fixed his cloak over his shoulder, and casually moved on to the rest of his rounds.
Any that bothered to watch him however, would have noticed that he took an uncharacteristic interest in finishing his daily duties quickly. He was gone from the Academy very soon after.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sun, Sep 15 2013, 4:14 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The dust had settled in many parts of the place, though not thick. The usual books were free of the stuff, but many were starting to become hard to read through the layer of grey on them. More than a few even had a cobweb connecting them to a shelf or wall. With a shake of his head, Derrin continued through the hall, checking from room to room, as was his habit whenever he came to the place. His inspection complete, satisfied that all was in order, save for the obvious work the place needed, he returned to the main lobby and through the door opposite the main entrance. He offered only the slightest greetings as he passed two of his colleagues. There was business at hand, and Derrin took his business very seriously.
The inattention made him almost mad, and his irritation showed as he passed orders on a bit more sharply than he usually did. "You there, find a broom. You can start in the cellar and work your way up. See to it that the floor is /clear/ of debris. Go!" To another he barked "You can start in the library. I want it spotless. There are cobwebs everywhere, and the books are out of order. Fix it" He made a dismissive gesture, then with a flick, he threw his cloak off to have it land on a nearby chair. With a critical eye on the shelves in the room, he started to clean as well. Slowly at first, as he worked his way from shelf to shelf, clearing dust or cobwebs, or both, then with a determined fervor. Shelves were moved, and cleaned behind them. Chairs were moved and cleaned under. Rugs were taken out and beaten, and so it went, one thing after another. He continued to direct the various students and others that were about, until the whole place had received every bit of attention that was available. For all their effort, no one was able to 'out work' Derrin. For every task he assigned, he tackled two more himself.
Finally, he stopped. For a long time, he stood there, thinking. What have I missed? Eventually, seeming satisfied that all had been attended, he returned to the chair his cloak had been thrown over, and he scooped it up. Shouldering it, and fastening it, he started for the door, his stride determined. As he moved, he reached under the 'collar' of his cloak, and pulled a small pin from under it. It was a simple thing, glinting faintly when ever it managed to catch the light. Derrin ran a thumb over it, thoughtful. "You gave me this. For a reason. Time I took the next step. His words were muttered more to his hand than anything else, and with that, he tucked the thing back from whence it came, and strode through the door, easily and with determination. Round the corner, and again he went, passing any in the halls with naught but a glance.
A light rap on the door.....
"Headmistress? May we speak? It's important."
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Tue, Jan 21 2014, 21:14 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
The trees and people blew by in a blur. Everything seeming to come together and fly apart in his mind as he ran....and ran and ran. Direction didn't matter, only escape. Survival. Ever was his life centered around surviving. The only thing that mattered was the next breath. Now that was the only thought, the next breath. They came in powerful puffs as he ran as hard as he could.
The loud scream echoed in his mind over and over. It reverberated in his head as it had off the low cliffs when first it had issued from him not long before. Now face down in the leaves, a whirling chaotic war of emotion battled in his head. Anger. Despair. Relief. Hatred. Jealousy. The last one took him off guard, and he sat up suddenly, and stay still for a very long time. What the hell are you thinking.....
With a resolve of one that simply needs to breathe, Derrin hauled himself to his feet, brushed the leaves and grass from himself, and bolted from his solitude. He knew where to go...gravity always pulled in the same direction.
He skidded to a stop when he got there. Sure enough, they were there. For a moment, he just studied them, having no care that he was watching them as if he were a spectator at a theater. Once again, his mind whirled about uncontrollably. Veritably shaking under the folds of his cloak, he did everything he could to keep his voice steady. Moments later as the trees and people burred past him again, slower this time, too exhausted to run anymore, only a few words echoed in his head....
You'll always have a shadow...
You'll always have a shadow...
You'll always have a shadow...
You'll always have a shadow...
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Mon, May 26 2014, 0:45 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
He didn't even hear the words anymore, just the rejection. From the time he was born, he had lived a life of constant rejection. First passed from his family to his supposed uncle, who then sold him to slavery. Then, passed from master to master, house to house. Tossed away like so much garbage to be picked up by the next scavenger to repeat the process. Now, he just stood there, trying not to give them anything to use against him. The shadows whirled in a small torrent around him, even the light seemed afraid to approach him while she continued to reject him and blame him for everything.
All too soon, he just fell into the shadows and ran. That's what he did when things like this happened lately. He just ran. Always did his problems, or ones just like them, find him around the next corner. No more running. "This won't happen again. This /can't/ happen again. I won't let this happen again." His stride slowed to a measured walk as he entered the Academy.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Sat, May 31 2014, 22:28 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
"What are you doing...?"
"The hells?! What are you doing back?!"
"Something has to keep your head on your shoulders."
"I'll only be gone a couple of days."
"You'll get side tracked and distracted. Don't even try to deny it."
"Shut up. I will not. It's not like I can't get there. I'll practically be led by the nose."
"You're being hasty, and rash. You used to think these things through. What happened?"
"Nothing happened!!! I'm still thinking clearly! I...just have to make sure is all."
"You're just inviting disaster. Don't do it...."
"What the hell do you know!!"
Derrin looked up to see those two purple dots staring back at him. With a low growl he turned on his heel and strode through the empty room, pure defiance in his step as he went through the door and down the hall....or what would soon be the hall. He paid no mind to the comments of the various workers as he practically stormed through the Academy and out the door.
Past the gate guards he went, nodding curtly as the portal swung open for him, and clanged shut behind him. Clear of the city, he stopped and just starred out into the gloom for a long moment. His breathing slowly returned to normal, and his heart stopped hammering in his chest. "I'm home...." He put one hand in a pouch on his hip and let his fingers move over the various items within, until he found one in particular. Taking comfort that he would not be led astray. With a long intake of air, he held it for a moment, and put his hands to his face as if trying to keep it all from blowing away. The breath blew out with a deep resignation as he took note of the soft blue glow that lit up his hands briefly....
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Fri, Sep 12 2014, 0:15 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
He placed a hand over the sleeping figures face, muffling the forthcoming cry of alarm. "Be silent, boy. We're leaving." The soft glowing purple eyes bored into the boys own, almost daring him to argue. True to form though, the boy simply slid out of his bed, gathered the small sack from under it and moved in behind the shadowy figure. "Take my cloak, and do /not/ let go. On your life, boy, do /not/ let go." Not a soul stirred as the pair moved through the room of sleeping children, and to the door that led out onto the street.
Night was in full, as planned, and the pair moved to the end of the building. Also as planned, the patrol was just turning the corner away from the pair, leaving them alone in the shadows of the night.
The door closed behind them, and Derrin turned the key in the lock. "You will remain here until further notice. There is food in the cabinet, and I will ensure that the water basin is full. You know my rules, boy. Obey them." Once again, true to form, the boy simply nodded understanding and started to unpack the few things he would need for his stay in his new home.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Baden Ironblood
Posted: Thu, Sep 18 2014, 4:48 AM |

Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Location: Key West, Florida
Michael knew the time would come when he had to leave the orphanage. Mister Jerand told him it would be for his own good. One side of him even wanted to go. He just didn't think it would be so soon and in such a secretive way.
Some one would notice he was gone. But there was nothing they could do about it. Michael was sure that Mr. Jerand didn't tell anyone at the orphanage what was planned. It was better that way. They could not follow where Michael was going. The thought of it made him scared, and excited at the same time. This new place was foreign, so dark, so foreboding.
But Mikey, as all the kids called him at the orphanage, had grown up in darkness. In a sense, he even welcomed it. It was an escape, something that he could use to get away, to calm himself in. A weird thought indeed, one that he would never talk to Mr. Jerand about. Perhaps Mr. Jerand might even realize that a part of Mikey, even though Mr. Jerand wanted him grow up in the Triad of Tyr, Torm and Ilmater, would always want that skill, the thought, the............need, to escape, or just be able to escape if he wanted.
The thought made him smile, he even said to himself..........."I live a double life."
And this man.......was he truly a man, Michael was not even sure........why did Michael think about him so much? This man could control darkness itself, wrap himself in it even. I want to learn how to do that, he thought to himself. But this man was so harsh, so unfeeling. Do I want to become like that? Will it make me like that? One thing was for sure, Michael knew now he had time on his hands so he might as well learn. I hope he will teach me. I'll do whatever he says. Yes, he will teach me.
And with that, Michael put his head down and closed his eyes. Darkness once again enveloped him as he nodded off to sleep, secure in the knowledge he was safer now that he had been just a few short hours ago.
_________________ I'm BACK!
Analog Kid
Posted: Fri, Oct 17 2014, 2:55 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
"Get your stuff. We're leaving." "Are we going home?" "I said get your stuff, not pepper me with questions. Do as your told, boy." Derrin's short words were just that, but over time, the boy seemed to learn more of their actual source. There was no maliciousness in them, just an urgency to get the job done quickly and properly. The pair set about packing up their stuff for what appeared to be long trip. Derrin concentrated on the things the pair would need on the road; rations, ammunition, several changes of clothes each, and so on. The boy had come with very little, indeed he was packed in minutes, everything fitting neatly into his little rucksack. He had simply gone to stand by the door, to wait patiently while the shadowy elf completed his business and joined him. "Do you remember what I showed you, in the training room?". The boy just nodded, a small grin coming to his face. Derrin couldn't help but flash a mischievous grin of his own.
Moments later, the gate clanged shut behind them, a quick nod between Derrin and the dark armored guard, and its incorporeal partner. When he had covered enough ground, measured by the number of steps he had counted off, he stopped and turned to the side. "You can come out now, Michael." From the shadows near the elf, the boy stepped out of hiding, a small victorious grin on his face. It vanished in a blink as Derrin leveled a hard warning glare at him. "We are not here to play games, boy. You will watch me, and be mindful, or I will leave you here. You will never see your father again." The boys face looked like it would twist into tears before Derrin cut it short. "I see so much as one tear from you, and I will abandon you to the first Nightwalker I see. You remember /that/ story....." The boy just blinked fiercly, and nodded until it looked like his head would pop off. With a grim nod, Derrin put a gentle hand on the boys shoulder, and led him into the gloom.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Last edited by Analog Kid on Mon, Jun 08 2020, 16:02 PM, edited 1 time in total.
Analog Kid
Posted: Mon, Nov 10 2014, 19:11 PM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Since coming back, there had been little going on. Derrin was able to go about business at the Academy at a leisurely pace. A few people had come and gone, on their various studies, but little that Derrin had to get invovled with. Today was different.
"This came for you today, Grandmaster. The sender didn't leave a name." It was an envelope, with a tiny bulge in it. At first, Derrin had thought it just another inane letter from a prospective student, but the dent in the surface of the envelope threw his indifference to curiosity. With a nod of thanks, he took it upstairs and disappeared into his office. Once there, he opened the envelope, careful of what he now realized as a tiny vial inside. This was set aside, and the letter read over very carefully. The page was read again, and a third time. Each time Derrin took time to consider the little vial before re-reading the letter. "What have you gotten us into this time, my friend." The words wouldn't have been heard past the page in his hand, he muttered them, musing to himself.
The last line of the letter drew his attention again to the little vial, which he now took up in his hand. With a slow, careful deliberate consideration, and deep concentration, he let t he shadows roll out of him, and over the vial in his hand...waiting...waiting....for any connection he might feel between the two.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Baden Ironblood
Posted: Sat, Nov 29 2014, 1:25 AM |

Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Location: Key West, Florida
Michael did as he was told. He ALWAYS did as he was told. The Master would threaten him with this and that but it was not the threats that made him do anything. The Master even threatened him with not seeing his "Father" again. Oh, he owed much to Jerand. But he was not Michael's real father. His real father died on the end of a drow sword. He had seen it himself.
Michael did what he was told because he knew the Master was just that. The Master of dancing, and Michael himself wanted to know more. If anyone would help him it was the Master and Michael knew that. But why not tweak the Master just a little bit by not moving as quickly as the Master wanted, or for that matter packing as fast, or cleaning up enough. I am his, but I'll not let the Master know it.
So this little game had been played between the two of them for hours, then days and finally weeks. Michael always seemed to hesitate, to shrink back, to pretend to be scared. But just the opposite was true. Oh, Michael acted like he was scared, but in reality he was ecstatic. More than anything else Michael craved security, safety, freedom. Locked in his quarters would seem like anything but. But again it was the opposite. He was safe here, well as safe as one could be in these times of war. But it was here in the Academy that he would learn how he could become free. It was the ability to hide, to escape through the use of shadows that intrigued and thrilled him.
What worried Michael more than anything.......the Master was more than reluctant to share his knowledge. And time was running out. Of this he was certain. The War would not go on forever and he had been here for weeks. He digested what he was told voraciously. And when not told he gleaned what he could when he could. Things not told to him he would try to observe. Even when it seemed like he was not looking, oh, he was. With an ear put up to a door conversations on the other side could be discerned. But it all seemed painfully too slow.
But as badly as I want Mister Jerand to come back, I need to be here longer, the boy thought to himself as he lay in bed. He slowly nodded off to sleep wondering what the upcoming day would hold for him.
_________________ I'm BACK!
Analog Kid
Posted: Thu, Dec 25 2014, 2:22 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
Derrin moved through the city, shadowing the figure from building to building. Guards patrolled, but the streets were otherwise abandoned. The figure stopped at the corner of the street, on cue, and looked back. Derrin waited a moment, then flicked his hand in a gesture that he and the figure had worked out in advance. With out hesitation, they were off again, across the street, behind passing guard. The inn was just around the corner, and beyond that, their destination.
In an alley between the inn, and the orphanage, the little boy stopped, again on cue, and looked back for his escort. The alley was empty. He searched up and down for a moment, failing to see the tell tale purple dots in the dark. With a small frown, he moved on toward the street. "You behave yourself for your father now, Michael." The boy just stopped, not even flinching. So accustomed to the ghostly, disembodied voice now. He felt the hand on his shoulder, and when he turned toward the touch, those purple dots were there to greet him. Derrin's look was hard, as usual, but his face had a soft genuine appreciation, and approval for what he saw. Michael looked long at the shadowy face, and nodded solemnly "Thank you, Mister Derrin." With a nod in return, Derrin just gave a gentle push on the boys back, ushering him along, and not following.
Before entering the building, Michael took one last look over his shoulder.
The street was empty.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Fri, Feb 20 2015, 6:54 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
"I've hurt another one. Maybe this is how they intended it to work. Break me down, but not enough to completely brainwash me, then set me free. Maybe the whole point was to make me /think/ that I had some hope of assimilating back into society. Some hope of being 'normal'. Everywhere I turn, everything I touch...falls to ruin. No one is safe. All I can do is leave pieces of myself behind. Now there is nothing left, barely even a shadow. There isn't anything left to even make a decent shadow. Maybe that's how they intended it.
"I've been telling you this from the start, fool. You only now see the truth? No one can treat you like 'everyone else'. You don't fit. You've never fit. You play at life the way they live it, thinking that you can be like them? You're dumber than they say you are. Just go. Go somewhere you'll feel needed. Do something you can actually /do/. Be the only thing you can: Nothing.
"You're right. You've always been right. It's time.....
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
Analog Kid
Posted: Wed, Jun 10 2020, 2:36 AM |

Joined: 13 May 2010 Location: The Great White North Eh!!
You're weak.
Shut up.
It's your own fault you know.
Shut up!
What are you even doing? You know you're just wasting your time.
Shut up!!!
She doesn't love you, you know.
"Shut up!!!!" No less than four sets of eyes turned toward Derrin as he leaned on the wall, as was his customary position of late. "What?!" His tone challenged their looks, but his own posture and demeanor told them that he was unwilling to take any challenge, clearly embarrassed by his outburst. He saw their looks, and heard their snickering at him, and he just slumped against the wall again, making a poor attempt at appearing resolved like he used to.
Things weren't the same anymore. They'd never be the same again. The Academy had maintained a high standing reputation for years before Derrin ever arrived, and had kept that reputation for years even during Derrins tenure. Right up until 'they' started coming around. That's when things started falling apart. That's why things would never be the same again. The students would never have treated him like that in the past. Not for any fear of retribution, but out of mutual respect. Yes. That's what was missing now. Mutual respect. The social structure had been unraveled. Now it was just a dusty building full of unused books and rooms, people coming and going with their heads down. Derrin had watched it happen right before his very eyes not a day before. That mage, with his odd lantern, just walked right on by. Not a word, not even a glance. Derrin found it sad really, that the place had come so low. He knew it was his own fault, he had ultimately let it happen. Too afraid to stand up and do something definitive about it. How could he though, he was outnumbered by the group. He was quick to tell himself that he was likely outclassed by them too. So, as was his custom, he kept his distance. Enough for his own security, and sense of well being. He could only pass his opinion along to those he thought would support him. That turned out to be a let down too, and so he was left with the only choice he thought he had. That led him to where he was now. Standing in the halls, largely alone, interrupted only by the odd day, or week he had spent roaming the Isle in an effort to keep clear of ... this.
He let his mind wander then. The.... years? How long had it been? He shook his head it doesn't matter. What is time to me now? That was when he met /her/. Once again, his life's plague had found him again. Fate, it seemed, was not without a sense of humor. The thing that had drove him to the surface. The thing that had so ruined him. The thing that broke him day in and day out for two centuries. The one thing he wanted /never/ to see again. This was the object of his desire. This 'jalil'. This girl. This feeling he didn't know what to do with. This feeling that had so muddled his mind, confused him, distracted him. He saw everyone around him so happy and content with these things...these feelings.
You think you can be like them?
SHUT UP!!!!!
This time Derrin held his resolve, and his inner monologue went unnoticed by those near him. He let his mind wander further. What else was there besides her? Nothing came to mind. Nothing important at least. Sure he had traveled to Cormyr. Indulged in some reckless fantasy, even found closure with his long time friend and traveling companion, Aasia. The panther had tried to kill him in the first few weeks of his time on the surface. Derrin was hunting for food, and being unfamiliar with life on the surface, had thought the panther kitten to be his next meal. Little did he know that the kitten was the only one left of the litter, thereby denying the adult cat the pride of being a mother. It often brought a feeling of disbelieving relief that the panther hadn't killed Derrin. She had him dead to rights, having found him sleeping under a tree, but she still let him live. For years they had traveled together. Derrin often told others that he was the pet though, and Aasia was skilled at conveying that feeling. The time had come though, with the cat getting on in her years, that Derrin thought it time for her to get that chance to be a mother before her days ran out. Now he found himself with a slightly larger than average hawk following him around. Having never been good with animals, despite his ranger training, Derrin had really never been able to do much with the bird except feed it from time to time as it perched on a nearby tree, or on the very rare occasion, on his arm. He liked it though, having something to talk to when he was alone on the road....
But you have me!
Shut up!!!!
It all paled in comparison though, even through the fear and uncertainty. She set him at ease. Sure he was able to find that peace before, until it came crashing down on him, but now, it seemed different. He couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was because she wasn't a priestess. Mostly it was because she didn't beat him every day like the others did.
It didn't matter anymore. He didn't have the pressure of trying to hold the Academy together. He didn't have the pressure of trying to solve someone else's stupid problems. He didn't have the pressure of trying to solve the problems that were the result of stupid people either. That was the best part. He could just come and go as he pleased. That left much of his time for her. That is what mattered. Her. Just her. He kicked off the wall, setting himself firmly on his feet. He adjusted his quiver, and cast a baleful glance at the nearby student that had turned to regard Derrin's movements. "What?!" His tone dared the student to say something again, but he didn't offer a chance. He just walked out the door to the Academy. He took two firm steps away from the place, then paused to look back. 'Dusty old building." He muttered the words to himself and had cut them short, for even now, the thought stung him. This had been his life for so long
With a huff, he turned away, muttering to himself about how things ought to be different, and about how, if no one else, he should be trying to make that difference.
_________________ I Am: Derrin: 'Nothing to see here' Beck: Hard working dwarf paladin. Naela 'Widow': Wandering priestess. Celinor Triellian: Paladin of Corellon.
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