Posted in major settlements, especially Ne’sek
To those who lost one,
Join us during 31 of Flamerule, 1388, to commemorate Shieldmeet, with a mass to tell the Deeds of the Dead and preserve their memory. After sunset, in the Ne’sek Cathedral of the Martyr-Saint priest Abdulla Fadir will give Mass, and Mihaela Luminita Samasescu will share words to remember those gone.
Abdullah al-Fadir al-Badawi Hanif al-Musaffir el-Amin Mamalik Sultaneya Amir Majlis, Battle Priest of Asgorath

((OOC Friday July 31, 2020, 12:00pm GMT/8:00 pm EST))
You should never be in the company of anyone with whom you would not want to die