[Stormwind would stop by the guild and make a single posting…]
*So, i've got a question for ya. *do you think even the worst person can change…? *that everyone can be a good person, if they just try? *all right. *well, here's a better question *do you wanna have a bad time
On one fine occasion, a flustered male Hin comes running down the adventurers guild and puts up a notice, having it signed by the leaders of the adventurers guild! The notice says:
// Starts in 15 mins from now!
_________________ Rosary Doodlekins - Hin Candy Witch
Joined: 23 Sep 2012 Location: Western Australia (+8 GMT)
A Gift of the Stars A meteorite shall fall soon this tenday. I am seeking fine adventurers who can craft a suit of Armor for a golem made out of this rock from the sky. Be warned, sometimes these occurrences can attract unsavory attention. See me for more information.
Contact: Rerigribus von Naptem, Guldorand tower. Rewards: 1x Weapon or 1x Armor made out of the meteorite, 1x Epic Item, rare items (//Yellow loot 4th tier). Skills Wanted: Astronomer (Not necessary), Miner (Must have), Weaponsmith/Armorsmith (Either one or the other), and Refiner. (Must have)
Mister Rerigribus,
There is not enough iron in a meteorite to craft a full set of full plate armour to fit a gnome, let alone a golem. The iron found in meteors is also extremely unsuited for blacksmithing due to the high content of other minerals found within the meteorite. You may wish to use steel, mithral or adamantine as they are each stronger than meteoric iron and more easily resourced here on Amia.
- Elwyn Sabel Master armourer.
_________________ Elwyn Sabel - Laura Jarshall - Mordoc Ebonhand
Quote:A Gift of the Stars A meteorite shall fall soon this tenday. I am seeking fine adventurers who can craft a suit of Armor for a golem made out of this rock from the sky. Be warned, sometimes these occurrences can attract unsavory attention. See me for more information.
Contact: Rerigribus von Naptem, Guldorand tower. Rewards: 1x Weapon or 1x Armor made out of the meteorite, 1x Epic Item, rare items (//Yellow loot 4th tier). Skills Wanted: Astronomer (Not necessary), Miner (Must have), Weaponsmith/Armorsmith (Either one or the other), and Refiner. (Must have)
_________________ Gerald Edmund Discord: Metal Viking Guy #5433
Quote:A Gift of the Stars A meteorite shall fall soon this tenday. I am seeking fine adventurers who can craft a suit of Armor for a golem made out of this rock from the sky. Be warned, sometimes these occurrences can attract unsavory attention. See me for more information.
Contact: Rerigribus von Naptem, Guldorand tower. Rewards: 1x Weapon or 1x Armor made out of the meteorite, 1x Epic Item, rare items (//Yellow loot 4th tier). Skills Wanted: Astronomer (Not necessary), Miner (Must have), Weaponsmith/Armorsmith (Either one or the other), and Refiner. (Must have)
*The notice by Gerald was stamped, depicting a serpent and a wave, and a note placed under*
To Gerald Edmund,
I hope to see you soon in four days time.
~Rerigribus von Naptem
_________________ Rosary Doodlekins - Hin Candy Witch
I am seeking open aid from romanticists, bards, those with a way of words and performing art majors to gain the attention of one who I love dearly. Volunteers will use their talents and grant me the best means to go out on a date with her with all their skills and insight to achieve this.
This for some reason caught the curiosity of the one known as Saya. The grigtouched has been seen wandering about the place, asking whether the "Love-Guy" was around at the moment. Is she there for the job? Will she be of any help?
I am seeking open aid from romanticists, bards, those with a way of words and performing art majors to gain the attention of one who I love dearly. Volunteers will use their talents and grant me the best means to go out on a date with her with all their skills and insight to achieve this.
This for some reason caught the curiosity of the one known as Saya. The grigtouched has been seen wandering about the place, asking whether the "Love-Guy" was around at the moment. Is she there for the job? Will she be of any help?
Theresa Matron, one of the guild leaders would suggest her to wait. A couple of moments later, Xavier would arrive by the guild, inspecting the job board and meet Saya and the volunteers.
// Happening now!
_________________ Rosary Doodlekins - Hin Candy Witch
It appears Saya ended up helping "Love-Guy". Did she do it out of good intention? Did she do so because she wanted a reward? Did she help because she is a romantic or wanted a challenge? Perhaps she just wanted to see mermaids.. or maybe a collection of some of those, but the end result is that she did in fact contribute to this man's joy!
A group of volunteer went on and collected seashells, as well as pearls and a brand new fishbag. These were all then crafted together in this fashion;
- Seashells were sown in the inside of the bag in a heart shape. - Nice words were carved on the shells; words such as "graceful", "magnificient", "generous", etc. - The pearls were stringed together in the inside of the bag, surrounding the heart shells and covering the empty space.
Moreover, a message was also written at the attention of the mermaid, which was read right before a poem written by Gertrude was delivered. The message went as follows:
"I am here tonight because since the day I met you, I have not stopped thinking about you. Your beautiful, beautiful long, marvelously colored hair - best color there is -, that beautiful figure of yours and that magnificient and gracious tail of yours. What strikes me most, however, is your generosity and care. I think myself a lucky man only by remembering that, for a moment, I was at the mercy of your care. Forever would I want to be in said position."
"Appearances can be deceiving. What is an honest mistake, the result of a loving mouth and drifting mind, may paint me as an aggressor - not a lover. Like me though, this fishing bag is not what it may seem at first glance. While its shape suggest otherwise, its inside is good, bright, precious. It also happens to be all yours, if you wish it be. I offer you this gill ring, in hope that you return it to me along with a location of your choosing.. I wish to meet you once more, I wish to know you, I wish you return the attention and the care you gave me. Love, Xavier."
Has this whole venture produced positive results? Who knows. But the feytouched had quite a bit of fun that night.
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