That Guy
Posted: Thu, Aug 22 2019, 22:13 PM |

Joined: 13 Nov 2014
As in the title... I know that's supposed to be a good combo. Open to ideas though.
I'm wanting a bard... just... want to rp a bard I guess!
Thanks in advance. I don't have much else of a concept except probably a hin of Brandobaris... open to subraces too.
Posted: Thu, Aug 22 2019, 23:45 PM |

Joined: 24 Jan 2017 Location: Deutschland
Peggy is 21 Bard/4 Ftr/5 KC
Basically makes your party undefeatable and she can also Solo pretty much anything.
Saves are a bit wack and I miss evasion, but thats the price you pay.
Sidenote: 25 Bard gives you slightly better Bard song amd Dispell can suck it.
That Guy
Posted: Thu, Aug 22 2019, 23:50 PM |

Joined: 13 Nov 2014
Whats the build if you don’t mind sharing?
Posted: Fri, Aug 23 2019, 1:07 AM |

Joined: 24 Jan 2017 Location: Deutschland
Uh... Its pretty straight forward really, pick up the 5 KC Pre Epic and make sure to get 25 Perform and the last Bard Level on an epic feat for Lasting Inspiration.
I can hook you up with a few variants once Im home.
Gearing that Build is a bitch though.
That Guy
Posted: Fri, Aug 23 2019, 11:27 AM |

Joined: 13 Nov 2014
Thanks for the advice.
Still not sure.
Thinking... +1 ECL race possibly, with 21 bard, 5 MS, 3 rogue... freedom, evasion and uncanny dodge, though... likely STR based since no weapon spec and damage will be low anyway. Always like the MS class, and like being able to make things, seems fitting somehow.
Will this totally suck?
Posted: Fri, Aug 23 2019, 17:10 PM |

Joined: 24 Jan 2017 Location: Deutschland
Nope, gonna be great.
And Damage won't be garbage at all. Won't Outclass a WM in damage, but in utility it will.
Good idea, I'd go for it. Make sure to pick up Extend Spell for Warcry and Haste.
If you don't take KC you will have a much easier time gearing as well, just go for 16 Base Cha and leave it at that. Make sure you hit 30 Perform final and 25 Base (For Lasting Inspiration Prerequisite. Only problem with that MS build is that you don't have a single full BAB Class in there, so you're AB is gonna suck, you will still manage thanks to Curse song and all the AB Buffs (Bard Song, Warcry) but just something to keep in mind.