[IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale
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Author:  Budly [ Mon, Feb 26 2018, 10:58 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

A Drow lady gave a book to Budly and he can be seen reading it in the apple orchard upon a bench placed there. He breaks at times for a bit of dinner or smoking pipe but he goes right back to reading afterwards.

Author:  StifterEL [ Sat, Mar 10 2018, 3:43 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

After a little drinking game outside the gates, Osric can be seen heading to the inn and continueing the night drinking and dancing with the rest of tavern folk. It's not untill well into the morning he stumbles up to his room at the inn.

Author:  Budly [ Sat, Mar 17 2018, 20:11 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The little Bundly Household is filled with people doing work from early morning, the lanterns hanging in the windows can be seen lit and a lot of people running errands for the feast they be holding this evening.

Author:  Budly [ Mon, Mar 19 2018, 0:51 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Budly, the good Kobold Soren and a newcomer called Ay was seen trapping up the eastern passage up the mountain with mice traps! Wilfire was along with them but an attack by Trolls that jumped Ay had them stop for the time being, awaiting results of their trappings.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Mon, Mar 19 2018, 3:14 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The white mouser cat usually outside the Dale has been seeming extra skittish lately. Large crowds, strangers approaching, and many times now halflings, seemed to be sending the cat fleeing. It still seems to be attempting to do it's job when others aren't paying it attention, but several times now it's growled angrily at people getting near its food to a point where it has almost seemed like it might attack them. Thankfully it's only made noise or fled. For now.

Taking up some of the slack with the white cat running off so much is an orange tabby that seems new to the Dale for those who've paid attention to the cats. But now even it has become nervous of being in the area. Not due to people, though it's still cautious of them, but due to the white cat. Rumour is there was a big cat fight earlier in the day that sent the tabby running with the white cat victorious, and it's not an isolated incident.

Later that evening when most people had gone to bed, the stillness of the night was broken by another chorus if angry meowing, followed by a whirlwind of claws and flying fur which the tabby lost yet again.

As for the traps, they seem to catch two mice that night. Not really a big haul, but a result nonetheless.

Author:  TheCortroy [ Mon, Mar 19 2018, 6:37 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The results of the felines fighting in the middle of the night produced one reaction from Sullivan - which was him opening his window and screaming profanities at the animals.

Coincidently, there would be noise of a child crying in his room not much later after the yelling, after being awakened from her own slumber.


Author:  Budly [ Mon, Mar 19 2018, 20:47 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Old Budly, often awake by night when he wakes up from his slumber, would be out smoking and eating "cold night pie!" and he would in the morning walk around the mousers and try to calm em with his ranger training. He would also look for the white cat, even going so far as having blunt arrows or sling stones to knock the cat out if it would prove being a bad one for the whole community of cats!

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Tue, Mar 20 2018, 7:34 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Another night of traps laid out, set to catch mice. Snares combined with acid and caltrops. Well as it turned out, the caltrops were harmless to the mice. Being tiny themselves, such things were easily avoided. The acid on the other hand wasn't. Another mouse was caught, but there was an unintended but perhaps inevitable side effect. For traps don't know how to differentiate between species, and no one had apparently considered the potential collateral damage.

The silent night was once again broken, not by a cat fight, but by the pained cry of Gilbert, the orange tabby. Private Joorin, a militia guard on duty close to the entrance to the troll hills, alarmed by the cry, went to investigate, to find Gilbert's paw caught in the snare. By the time he got there, there was nothing he could do. Joorin spares anyone the heart-breaking details of how the poor cat died, except to say that the trap was responsible, and wrapped him up in a cloth to be buried.

The private later sends out a few messages, and removes some of the traps closest to the Dale to avoid any more unfortunate incidents that night.

Author:  walnutboy [ Tue, Mar 20 2018, 10:21 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

*A slightly built elf would seemingly take some interest in the careless actions of the small folk, noting more the traps and the injured parties than the halfling themselves... other than Budly, her eyes lingering on him for a time before she disappears leaving an annoyed huff and expelling of air through her nose. *

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Tue, Mar 20 2018, 13:04 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire sighs heavily as he reads a letter then moves to instruct the Militia on duty at the path to Trolls to tell Budly and the Kobold to stop laying down any traps.

He also leaves a small notice to Budly and Soren at their places:

Budly and Soren. Traps did not worked and it even backfire. A Mouser Cat died because of it. Stop laying them down immediately. We will find a safer way to deal with it.


Author:  Budly [ Tue, Mar 20 2018, 13:22 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Budly, taken back by what he done would not be seen for days, retreating to the forest and the Shrine of Eilistraee for days. The Old Hin would place an order for five new kittens that could hunt the mice. As he returns he would place a piece of fish-pie....upon the little cats grave. It seems the Old Hin either lost all his energy of late or he grown softer or more wise with age, perhaps it does happen later for some? But seemingly the old Hin was regretful and depressed over helping in killing a cat.

If anything he thought, it be better with classic mouse traps from now on.

Author:  StifterEL [ Tue, Mar 20 2018, 18:16 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

With news of the death of Gibert, Osric angerly creates a smelly paste that repels mice as instructed by the druid Adair.
The paste is created from hearthorn salts and ox hoof shavings which are covered in water and boiled.
Then adding add lilyroots and galanum and letting it simmer until it gets a pastelike consistency.

Once the paste has been made Osric smears it whereever mice droppings can be found around the dale.
The odor from the paste would not be the most pleasant thing, but it beats backfiring traps.

Once he's applied all the paste has been applied, he gathers the ingredients for more, incase more is needed.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Wed, Mar 21 2018, 1:54 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

There's a rather abrupt change in the white mouser's behaviour. It's running away less and doing its job more it would seem. While it still seems suspicious of people, mainly halflings, it's not fleeing at the slightest thing any more. That said, it tends to leave the area rather hastily at the sight of a couple particular hin, with a parting hiss tending to be reserved for a particular elder. For now at least, things were at least starting to return to normal.

The paste Osric uses to repel the mice also seems to be doing its job. Intermittently at least. Occasional one mouse will power through it, usually ending up prey to the white mouser. However, for whatever reason, occasionally groups between two to four in size seem to be driven into the area past the repellent, the reason yet unknown.

Then, that night, the once still air is broken again, this time by the scream of a young hin lass. In a freak event, or perhaps a deliberate one, around twenty or so mice come over the southwestern corner of the wall and quickly scatter into the Dale. Before anyone or anything can react, several manage to disappear into various cracks and holes. Six end up being killed by the mousers inside the walls, but most of the rest split up into hiding. What was once an outside rodent problem has now moved inside the walls. The mousers will have their work cut out for them.

Author:  Winter Night [ Wed, Mar 21 2018, 3:07 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

A sleek white Cat with a long tail can be seen frequently about the Dale, prowling the walls and the grounds.. both seeming to hunt the mice and seemingly watch the other cats about the area.
When approached, this particular Feline watches with bright eyes and calm indifference, allowing most to approach her, accepting pets and scratches but usually turns away from scraps of food or other offerings.

Author:  Tarnus [ Wed, Mar 21 2018, 22:45 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale


Lightning struck the Bendir Dale townhall this night, only the quick reaction of its people preventing the worst! Cindel Blimmeaf, the Dales long serving clerk, got burried under rubble, but was swiftly freed by the hands of Sullivan and a disincarnate defender summoned by Osric. The fire soon put out, now all that remains is to assess the damage, then begin with repairs!

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Thu, Mar 22 2018, 1:30 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire would stay up until late at night assessing the damage and would go back to work early on the next morning.

He checks the entire area that collapsed for a long time then proceeds to checks all the area around Cimbel's room and ends up checking the whole building... at least three times!
As usual the industrious Hin would spend a long time and do a meticulously work to not miss anything.
If asked, he says he would need a bit more time to finish with the damage assessment, and when he feels confident, he would come up with a list of materials, workforce and time needed to repair it all.

He also takes a hour or so to quickly check the walls for places the mouses could use to get inside, but its just a quick look since the work on the Town Hall is priority.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Thu, Mar 22 2018, 4:40 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

It would seem this night there are no new mice related incidents. The mouser outside the Dale continues to do its job, and the ones inside continue to kill off the mysterious pile of mice that came over the wall. Most places that have sources of food have cats in the area and many get lured to their doom this way. One place that isn't as well covered by a cat at the moment happens to be the Town Hall, where some occasional squeaks are heard but not seen. Hopefully it's only a matter of time before they too poke their head out for food and get chomped on by a cat.

As for new mice coming into the Dale, there still seems to be an oddly high amount considering the repellent, but it has definitely decreased. It seems just within the realm of what the cats can handle at the moment for the most part, but some mice do occasionally bother the orchard.

The white cat seems to retain its new calm. Suspicious, and fearful of a select few, but sticking around most of the time. Things seem to be continuing to slowly, tentatively, return to normal. The balance is perhaps delicate, but functional. Only time will tell if it'll remain that way.

Author:  Budly [ Thu, Mar 22 2018, 10:52 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The Old Hin Budly would take walks up the Crags, especially in the late evening as the sunset. Trying to localize or find evidence of disturbance. In his mind, someone is diging underground to bring the mice out of their holes and away from their homes.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Sat, Mar 24 2018, 3:38 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Something seems to have visited the Dale during the night. Nothing seems out of place come morning but around Budly’s house and his chicken coop might be found some larger than house cat but not quite as large as the “big cat”s pawprints.

The creature seems to have circled the henhouse and the apple trees, but didn’t appear to touch anything having gone as quietly as it had arrived. The pawprints would appear and disappear near the treeline on the north side of the bridge.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Sun, Mar 25 2018, 3:43 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The cat like creature wouldn't seem to be the only visitor around Budly's lately. A set of average sized dire wolf prints would circle the trees and tracks, taking great interest in them before attention turned to pilfering the eggs in the nearby coup, leaving none behind as the hens were scattered noisily into the night!

The disturbance caught the attention of eastern guard post watching the troll hills, but by the time guards came around, all that was left was a new set of tracks once more disappearing into the treeline just beyond the Dale, at the border of the forest.

After retrieving the hens, it's decided that, at least temporarily, a guard will watch over the orchard area during the night to protect the valued source of food and end these late night disturbances.

Author:  Budly [ Sun, Mar 25 2018, 17:28 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Budly would study the tracks, follow them for a moment and he would tell his children to stay careful at night.

Author:  walnutboy [ Mon, Mar 26 2018, 16:33 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

*A slight elven woman would brave the bad weather though seems undisturbed by it. She'd pause to regard the turf house and the orchard for a while from the safety of the fence before moving to one of the few remaining tracks.

Her foot would be pressed into the wet earth, measuring the print for size maybe or perhaps covering it up, who could say? Before leaving to enjoy the rest of her.*

Author:  Lost_Izalith [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 16:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

A series of rapid explosions and the sounds of shattering glass rocked Bendir Dale late last night. By the time anyone reaches the location, a grim scene is all that remains. A bit of skill with tracking or an investigative mind would slowly be able to piece together the events which took place.

Inside the locked inn room rented by Ember Faren, a thick smoke lingers near the ceiling. Blast marks, scorched wood and carpet, and toppled furniture are scattered about the room. The coals and cinders from the hearth are scattered from inside it, as if something had crawled out. An arc of blood is spattered against the wall near the bed; evidence of a slashing wound. A gentle breeze wafts in from the shattered window nearby, a scrap of red fabric clinging to a shard of glass that remained in the frame.

Below, matted grass, blood, and an awkward imprint in the soil- likely a broken limb, from the fall. Scorched grass and more blast marks are strewn about the garden, a thin trail of blood droplets backpedaling away from the inn. A pool of blood congeals slowly in a triangular divot; a spear head, likely driven through the victim. On the other side of the garden, near the wall, a fence rail is snapped in two. Splinters and break patterns indicate something hit it hard and fast, likely a body hurled through it.

Finally, a bloody stain drips down the stone bricks of the town wall just past the broken garden fence. Cracking in the stone indicates repeated heavy impacts to the same spot. A few red strands of hair cling to the bricks here, and half of a pointed fang, red with blood, lies in the grass below.

A burned streak in the grass nearby resonates with magical energies characteristic of plane-shifting. In the aftermath, Ember is gone.

Attempts to resurrect her fail, Sending and other attempts at communication go unanswered, and scrying attempts find nothing. Those closest to her likely have at least a vague idea of what's happened, but they may never know for sure.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 17:00 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Peraga can be seen just standing amidst the blood and destruction, apparently trying to piece things together, her face constantly switching from worry to confusion to anger and as time goes on theres small arcs of lighting jumping arround her every now and then. She quickly ruffles her hair in frustration and just storms off after a long while...

Anyone trying to talk to her would be ignored, and anyone trying to touch her would just lead to Peraga moving away and out of the grip awkwardly.

Author:  Budly [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 17:30 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The Old Hin Budly would study the scenery, he would find what little was left, not sure how to react to it whole. He would be leave baffled at the events, his know how of the arcane was minor and he would be worried of how this would effect the village, the mayor and his own daughter. He would flee to prayers and keep an extra eye on his family, especially Peraga. As he more and more retreated to the Shrine and his faith of late, he would try to spend more time in Bendir Dale but keeping a low profile. The Old Hin was everwatchful again at night. Sleepless nights and worried days would come to him after the events unfolded in Embers room and her disappearance.

Author:  LeathanKayne [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 20:14 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

After some occurrences during a rainy afternoon, Militia guards are instructed not to wander off to investigate suspicious sounds, to stick to their posts and in pairs, and to get help if something needs to be investigated beyond their positions. A couple times a day now, some militia are run through drills on what to do if the Dale needs to lockdown and protect the town from an attack.

Author:  Budly [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 22:25 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The current news worries Budly a lot. A lock down of Bendir Dale means his whole family will be in danger. He would ponder on what options he had and would consider to take his family to the Shrine of Eilistraee, it would be a much easier place to defend with one door into the underground complex or even check with the Druids or Kohlingen if he could harbour his family there, hire a building for them in Kohlingen? He contemplated and was not happy to notice these drills over the day.

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sun, Apr 08 2018, 22:29 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Peraga is completely ignoring the warnings and the apparent ruckus withing the militia, making her way into and out of Bendir multiple times, if she can, and just staying outside, just walking in and out of the Bundly residence repeatedly over the course of the day...

At least once, she can be seen making her way towards Winya

Author:  StifterEL [ Mon, Apr 09 2018, 2:12 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Osric checks in on the two raised guardsmen the next few days.

Author:  Budly [ Mon, Apr 09 2018, 11:02 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Budly in the morning after all the odd events had arranged to move his family, except the eldest sisters, Peraga And Ra'eldra to Kohlingen in a hired house to be looked after their uncle Brielk. Anyone wanting to come along as an escort was welcomed but mostly he thought it was better if people stayed in Bendir Dale. But considering his late history with Bendir Dale and living outside the walls he wanted to be pre-emptive and move them out for now while he himself stayed in Bendir with the eldest, he could not stop em anyway.

Author:  Richard_Edmund [ Mon, Apr 09 2018, 11:27 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The Warlord of Tempus can be seen scouting the hills surrounding the Dale in the day following the most recent attack. With both her sword and shield equipped she makes short work of courageous Orcs or Mylocks that thoughtlessly attack the focused warrior on her patrol.

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Mon, Apr 09 2018, 13:08 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire is present for all the drills and, when they are over, he spend most of the time checking the integrity of the walls meticulously, doing any repairs that are needed to make sure it would be sturdy enough in the case of a huge attack.

Author:  Budly [ Fri, Apr 13 2018, 15:00 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

An old Hin, Budly himself, could be seen siting all alone on the small bench outside his home by the apple orchard. His usual so lively house was now empty besides himself, Ra'eldra Bundly and Peraga Bundly. He would mutter a lot, eat some apples, seemingly no one is baking pies anymore. The mood around the household was not the usual cheerful and loud, but rather grim and hopeless. The Old Hin didn't look amused at the situation and he almost seemed as if he given up on life, only thing giving away that there still was something left in him was the zealous prayers and the nightly patrols the old bugger still performed.

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Tue, Apr 17 2018, 22:57 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

On the last days, Wilfire can be seen spending more time then usual with his son. Playing around the Dale, on the Tree swings, Having all the meals together, always smiling and being happy with the time they spend together.

When Father and Son arent together, Sounds of stonework can be heard coming from inside his house

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Wed, Apr 18 2018, 9:49 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Peraga or Peri - it's hard to tell who is in charge lately - can be seen walking into and out of the Dale constantly, barely even showing up at home and apparently has given up on visiting Winya..

It's as if theres only two kinds of emotion left in her: Rage and desperation, like a cornered animal but as long as Peri is on the surface, she seems to hide it pretty well, acting like she has everything under control.

She sometimes asks around among the people she seems to trust for someone who would be able to create an intricate branding iron, telling them to keep it to themselves that she asked if they can't help her.

On a sidenote, if she runs into Willy - Wilfires son - in almost an instant the look of disgust Peri would don gives way to a forced, warm smile and Peraga would put up with anything the young boy would want from her..

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Wed, Apr 18 2018, 14:41 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

The little Hin would smile widely upon seeing her yelling "Pewwaga! Missed you!" And then wanting to give her a big hug then he would want to spend sometime telling her about his little adventures around the Dale and awkwardly showing with some moves how good he is getting on fighting with his wood sword!

Author:  freaxxshow1338 [ Sat, May 05 2018, 9:38 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

In the middle of the night, theres suddenly loud bangs of Thunder, too quick to be a storm and angry screams from a certain, scarred hin girl at the top of her lungs, a name sometimes audible:


If someone were to investigate, they would find Peraga at the training dummys, breathing heavily and having apparently completely burned out her power in a matter of two minutes, wearing nothing but her white nightgown and a small drop of blood, originating from the corner of her mouth has landed on her chest.

The training dummys have been vaporized and the grass is burnt, lightning has blown up small holes in the earth, the air reeks of ozone and just beeing close to Peraga makes hair stand up...

If someone were to talk to her, they would quickly realize that this was in fact Peraga, not Peri...

Author:  Budly [ Sat, May 05 2018, 10:45 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

"Come back to bed girl"

Would the old Hin Budly say, as he went to investigate. One of the more uncommon nights when he was home for the night. Perhaps worried for Peragas safety and sanity?

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Sat, May 05 2018, 11:59 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire went out his house at the huge noise with his sword in hand then just stops as he sees Budly talking with Peraga.
He frowns and moves back inside his home and tells his son, who woke up at the loud noise and also had his wooden sword in hand, that everything is fine for now and goes to gently caress his head and sing some lullaby to help him fall asleep again.
After his son fall a sleep he goes to lay on his cushion pile and stays there awaken for the rest of the night, worried as usual.

Author:  Budly [ Sat, May 05 2018, 13:15 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

On the same morning a feathered arrow sits in the gate with a sign rolled around it. A most simple note it would be.

Sorry for the slapping.


Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Tue, May 08 2018, 22:50 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire returns to the Dale today looking very tired and with his armour and shield showing clear sights of damage.
He was clearly into some huge fight. If asked he just answers that things are alright.

When he is at home, he gets a thick piece of clothing and uses it to retrieve an object from his bag. He lets down a sigh of relief and then a shake of his head talking with himself:

"That was... too close... Should not had sent her for help... should not had accepted.. that help... If she had taken.. if.. she.. ugh.."

He places the object back into his bag and then decides to go take a deep rest.

Author:  Budly [ Fri, May 25 2018, 12:31 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Budly is barely seen this days, either keeping to his house most of the time or off at the Shrine, doing as much restoration as he can or so it seems. Prayers and labour is in the old Hins routine.

Author:  Lost_Izalith [ Sun, Jun 03 2018, 6:27 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

A few days after an incident involving a small group of adventurers and a portal in Muck's shop, word is officially sent to Bendir Dale that a certain fiery hin girl is conscious and recovering from her injuries and condition at the Salandran temple in Benwick Hollow. It will be some time yet before she can return to Bendir, however, due to the nature and extent of her injuries.

Author:  Budly [ Sun, Jun 03 2018, 18:19 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Lost_Izalith wrote:
A few days after an incident involving a small group of adventurers and a portal in Muck's shop, word is officially sent to Bendir Dale that a certain fiery hin girl is conscious and recovering from her injuries and condition at the Salandran temple in Benwick Hollow. It will be some time yet before she can return to Bendir, however, due to the nature and extent of her injuries.

Upon hearing the news, Budly sends a bunch of red flowers to the fiery Hin girl.

Author:  Yimmi [ Tue, Jun 05 2018, 3:09 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

A dwarf coming from the north road can be seen arriving to the town, he carries several goods and tries to trade them for other stuff... he mostly buys some halfling leaves and some hard liquor. Apart from that he asks for some hin named Honey, if she's around he would ask for some cookies that he seems to like... after that he would grab his stuff and head to the forest once again, not saying much to anyone... not that many people would try to speak to him, right?

Author:  walnutboy [ Tue, Jun 05 2018, 9:22 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

*A slinky cat and stinky wolf would seemingly chase each other around the outside of the settlement... though the wolf would actually but much of the chasing, barking and barging through things as they ran noisily out into the forest.

... where they 'playing'? *

Author:  The Little Dragon [ Fri, Jun 22 2018, 2:32 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Soren could be seen sitting himself on the hill by the river, resting his back upon the tree as he read a book.

Author:  rafaelmacgyver [ Fri, Jul 06 2018, 0:44 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

Wilfire been absent of late on Bendir Dale.

The little time he is there is mostly around lunch and night with his Son and Elly.

If asked, he says he is on the Oasis, training...

Author:  Yimmi [ Wed, Jul 11 2018, 3:37 AM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

*A note is left at the board outside Bendir Dale by a hooded figure, whose height matches that of a dwarf. The letter is simple, readable but not fancy. No signature is left*

To whoever left a note in my camp,
I'm no murderer nor a cold blood hunter, I don't go around killing for pleasure nor sport. If I kill it's because I'm threatened.
I just want to be fucking alone with my business and I won't be bullied away.
I will come find you to talk next time I come to town.

Author:  Revak [ Wed, Jul 11 2018, 13:06 PM ]
Post subject:  Re: [IC] Life Happenings in Bendir Dale

For the last few days inside or outside the Dale there has been no sight of the warrior elf known as Ania. Her permanent room in the Hinn Inn had been vacated, all personal effects had disappeared and any remnants of her stay there gone.

It is not known where she has currently departed to, nor any clues remain of why she had left.

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